Hike Beyond Coal in Dickerson!

Get a first-hand look at coal and learn what we can do to move Maryland to clean energy -- RSVP today!

On Saturday July 26th, come see coal up close!

Have you ever seen a coal-fired power plant in person? I was shocked by the size and scale of the first coal plant I visited, with its massive boilers and several immense smokestacks, each billowing gray plumes that pollute the air we breathe.

The dense, dark plumes that spew from coal plants are only one kind of the pollution emitted: the visible kind. What goes unseen, but what is still very much present, is all of the invisible, but just as dangerous pollutants, that spill unhindered and unseen from the same smokestacks. 

This pollution contributes to 85% of Marylanders living in areas with unsafe air, ranking our state as having the worst air quality on the East Coast. The good news is that you can help do something about it. 

Join other Marylanders July 26 for an easy hike along the C&O Canal Towpath, see the Dickerson coal plant in person, and learn about the Sierra Club’s campaign to clean up Maryland’s dirty coal. 


Here are the event details:

WHAT: Easy 6 mile hike along the C&O Tow Path near the Dickerson Power Plant
WHEN: Saturday, July 26th @ 10:00AM – 2:00PM
WHERE: C&O Towpath, 21115 Mouth of Monocacy Rd, Dickerson, MD. Carpools at UMBC Stadium Parking Lot (8:30AM) & Shady Grove Metro Station (9:00AM).
WHO: You, your friends and neighbors.

RSVP: http://action.sierraclub.org/DickersonOuting

Questions? Contact Seth Bush at seth.bush@sierraclub.org

I hope to see you at the outing where you'll have a rare opportunity to see a coal plant up close and learn what we can do to transition to clean energy.

RSVP today to let us know you'll be there!

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