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Testimony In Favor Of LD 13 An Act to Allow Microgrids That Are in the Public Interest
April 29, 2019
Looking toward the future, microgrids
are an important infrastructure tool that can increase grid resiliency, save ratepayers money, and
help stimulate local energy production. This legislation allows for the construction and operation
Janet Mills at the Youth Climate Rally at the Capitol
April 25, 2019
Hundreds of young Mainers rallied at the Maine State House on Tuesday April 23, 2019.
Parking Instructions for Volunteers
April 24, 2019
Feel the validation!
Sierra Club Maine now offers parking validation to volunteers coming in to the Portland office! Volunteers can park in the City-owned Spring Street lot. View the map below, or download a pdf file with all...
Testimony in Support of Testimony in Support of LD 1282: An Act To Establish a Green New Deal for Maine
April 24, 2019
The Sierra Club is a strong supporter of Maine’s efforts and the efforts of the whole country to thoughtfully and energetically enact a green, new, deal.
A green, new, deal is a big, bold transformation of the economy to tackle the twin crises of...
Earth Day 2019 - Hike up Megunticook
April 24, 2019
Well, the forecast scared away some folks, but the rain held off and we enjoyed a lovely hike up Mt. Megunticook. There was still a little ice in some sections, but we successfuly navigated around it. The fog was above and below us, so...
Extension Request Permit Application - CMP Transmission Line
April 12, 2019
On behalf of Sierra Club, Maine Chapter, I write to respectfully request an extension of the 30-day public comment period for the proposed Central Maine Power Company Transmission Lines project by an additional 30 days. This project is complex, has...
Maine Youth Day of Action
April 12, 2019
Maine Youth Day of Action is Tuesday April 23rd --- 11:30 Rally on the Capitol Steps, 1pm Meet with Legislators in the hall of flags, 3pm Depart
Testimony in Support of LD1401 - An Act to study Transmission Solutions to Enable Renewable Energy Investment in the State
April 12, 2019
As a frequent intervenor in Maine Public Utility Commission dockets, I think the PUC docket process is hindered by its adversarial nature. There is little to no opportunity to brainstorm and collaborate. Having participated on President Clinton’s...
Testimony in Support of LD 1287 - An Act To Protect the Penobscot River and Penobscot Bay from Mercury Contamination
April 11, 2019
I am submitting this testimony in support of LD 1287, with the amendments proposed by bill sponsor Rep. Jan Dodge of House District 97. This testimony is submitted on behalf of myself as a resident of Penobscot Bay, the Maine Chapter of the Sierra...