Testimony in Support of LD1401 - An Act to study Transmission Solutions to Enable Renewable Energy Investment in the State


Maine Chapter

565 Congress St. Ste. 206B, Portland, ME 04101

Phone: (207) 761-5616

To: Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology

From: Dot Kelly, Sierra Club Maine. Contact email: dot@dkelly.org

Date: April 10, 2019

Re: Testimony in Support of LD 1401: An Act to Study Transmission Solutions To Enable Renewable Energy Investment in the State

Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and the distinguished members of this committee. My name is Dot Kelly and I am a volunteer co-chair of Sierra Club Maine’s energy team. I am here in support of LD 1401, An Act To Study Transmission Solutions To Enable Renewable Energy Investment in the State.

The mission of the Sierra Club is: To explore, enjoy, and protect the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to be equitable, inclusive and just as we use all lawful means to carry out these objectives. I am here representing Sierra Club Maine’s 18,000 members and supporters.

Sierra Club Maine supports this bill to create a stakeholder group to specifically address transmission needs and funding strategies to support renewable energy investment in the State.

Sierra Club Maine, and I personally, have been active with the Public Utilities Commission, Efficiency Maine and the Governors Energy Office in promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and transparency.

As a frequent intervenor in Maine Public Utility Commission dockets, I’ve found that there is little opportunity to brainstorm and collaborate in that forum, as the PUC docket process is adversarial by nature. Having participated on President Clinton’s Council for Sustainable Development as a demonstration project leader, one of the highlights of that experience was seeing the power of an open, collaborative, effort from a broad spectrum of interests to identify and reduce barriers to accomplishing eco-efficiency.

For that reason, I recommend that this transmission stakeholder group be encouraged and perhaps mandated to be inclusive and transparent as it works on the important and somewhat daunting goals of this legislation:

∙Understand the transmission needs of various renewable energy opportunities

∙Determine the real transmission constraints and barriers to increased renewable energy development in Maine including integration into the local and regional grid

∙Develop data-driven recommendations on transmission infrastructure investment solutions for various renewable energy scenarios considering ratepayer impacts and benefits

∙Investigate regional coordination to advance transmission solutions

∙Consider potential funding sources and strategies

∙Identify necessary changes to Maine law in order to successfully implement the recommendations

The Sierra Club firmly believes this transmission study effort to enable renewable energy investment in Maine will be more successful if the effort is inclusive, transparent, and data driven.

Thank you for allowing me to testify; I’d be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Respectfully submitted,

Dot Kelly

Dot Kelly

Sierra Club Maine Energy Team Co-chair and Executive Committee Member

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