December 2020 Enews

New Events, Volunteer Opportunities, and Green Tips!

December 2020

In this issue:

Injunction Filed to Halt CMP Corridor Work

Sierra Club Maine, along with our partners Appalachian Mountain Club and Natural Resources council of Maine, filed a motion on November 12th for a preliminary injunction to prevent work beginning on the CMP corridor until the court can fully consider our lawsuit challenging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for its flawed and inadequate environmental review of the project. The federal review of this project has been conducted behind closed doors and has failed to properly consider the long-lasting impact the transmission line will have on the woods, waters, wildlife and recreational economy of Western Maine.  Read the entire press release here. The hearing is scheduled for today - two days before construction is planned to start. You can watch it online here.
We need your help to stop the CMP Corridor.
Please donate now to immediately support our work.

Calling all Volunteers!

Do you have a favorite hike that you would like to show others? Are you interested in helping to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels? Do you enjoy writing and want to use your skill to educate others on environmental issues? Would you like to see your environmental goal come to fruition? Consider volunteering with Sierra Club Maine! As a grassroots organization, we rely on the passion and talent of volunteers to achieve our mission to explore, enjoy, and protect Maine. 

We will be hosting webinars on December 3rd at 12pm and December 7th at 4pm. Join us to learn more about who we are and ways you can get involved! Register today by clicking on one of the dates above.

2020 Election in Review

We did it. While not all of our preferred candidates won, we worked harder and reached more people than ever before. With help from volunteers and supporters here in Maine, we wrote 1.3 million letters, made 5.5 million calls, and sent 20 million text messages to eligible voters across the country. Each of these letters, calls, and text messages could have been the difference between someone sitting the election out or casting their vote - you made an impact!

Here in Maine we congratulate Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and Congressman Jared Golden on winning re-election. We also congratulate the 65 Sierra Club Maine endorsed legislators who won their elections this year. In fact, 70% of Sierra Club Maine endorsed candidates won. Once again, we have proven that together we are powerful.

While we celebrate our victories, we also know that elections are just the beginning. We need your help to hold all elected officials accountable to ensure that we continue to champion pro-environment laws and policies. You can continue to help in this critical work by signing up to volunteer for our legislative team or by making a donation today!

A Look Inside Victory Corps by Matt Cannon

I feel so fortunate that I could help Representative Jared Golden (and our other endorsed candidates) win on Election Day! I was one of 40 Sierra Club organizers across the country who participated in Victory Corps, Sierra Club’s electoral program where organizers work full time with endorsed congressional candidates to get them elected! The Sierra Club’s Political Committee selected key Congressional races to defend a champion in a swing district or work to flip a seat and get a climate champion elected.

For one month leading up to Election Day, half of my time was spent organizing our Sierra Club members and supporters to help elect Jared Golden (and our other endorsed candidates); the other half of my time was organizing directly with the Golden campaign. With Sierra Club, I hosted over 16 phone banking events, and recruited dozens of volunteers! With the campaign, I organized for 25 events and recruited dozens more volunteers. Read about Matt's whole experience here.

Sierra Club Maine Welcomes New Communications & Outreach Manager!

This summer, Sierra Club Maine was one of seven chapters across the country to receive the Chapter Strong Grant from the national Sierra Club office. The goal of the grant is to invest in chapter infrastructures to create models for how chapters across the country can operate. Thanks to this grant, Sierra Club Maine was able to hire Marena Bach as it’s new Communications & Outreach Manager! In her role, Marena will help connect with members and supporters across the state and help our grassroots efforts by supporting new volunteers. “As a grassroots, volunteer organization we rely on the dedication of volunteers to help protect Maine’s woods and waters” says Sarah Leighton, Chapter Director. “Using both her expertise in digital strategies and experience working with volunteers, Marena will help reach more people across the state and connect them to volunteer opportunities within our chapter.”

Marena previously worked at the YMCA of Southern Maine as their Brand and New American Welcome Center Specialist. Prior to that, she worked as a Graphic Designer for Timberland’s Global Creative Services Team. Marena is also a regular volunteer at Graze in Peace Farm Animal Rescue & Learning Center. 

If you are interested in getting to know Marena or learning more about how you can volunteer with Sierra Club Maine, please email Marena here.

Maine’s New Climate Action Plan 

On Dec 1st, Maine’s New Climate Action Plan was officially launched. The Climate Action Plan represents the most significant and comprehensive effort in more than 15 years to map out the actions that are needed in Maine to reduce climate pollution and create new jobs as part of the transition to a clean energy economy that will benefit Maine people, businesses, and our environment. To read the plan, visit the Maine Climate Council website.

Community Solar Ownership vs Subscription - What’s Best For ME?

You may have received advertisements in the mail over the past few months about subscription solar services that can lower your CMP or Versant electric bill by 10-15%. These offers are what is known as subscription solar services - taking solar energy from a corporate owned solar farm and incorporating it to the grid, allowing you to “rent” solar energy. The short term benefits of these services are immediate relief on electric bills and immediate incorporation of clean energy into the grid. Another option, Ownership of Community Solar, offers a consumer owned model for solar, giving the same financial benefits of rooftop solar. Long term, this is a greater financial opportunity. To find out what’s best for you, visit Revision Maine’s Community Solar Website, and Nexamp’s Subscription Website.

Equity, Inclusion, and Justice at Sierra Club Maine 

The COVID-19 pandemic, the Movement for Black Lives, and the climate crisis have made it clear that equity, inclusion, and justice must be at the center of our work to ensure a livable and just future for all. In October, Sierra Club Maine’s volunteer executive committee, volunteer team leaders, and staff began participating in equity, inclusion and justice trainings and conversations to evaluate the past, present, and future work of the chapter. In the coming months, the Chapter hopes to formalize our commitment to these principles and set goals for our future work. If you would like to be involved in this process, please contact Ania Wright at

Green Tip of the Month by Kyle Bonus

While it may be easy to hit snooze on these cold winter mornings, these winter energy savings tips aren’t something you want to sleep on. Here are just a few simple, inexpensive actions that will help you save energy, save money, and stay cozy all winter long!
  1. Eliminate drafts: Doors and windows can be a major source of heat loss. There are many window treatments that can stop drafts, from insulated drapes to plastic sheet inserts. Add caulk or weatherstripping for drafty doors.
  2. Close doors and vents in unused rooms.
  3. Turn the thermostat down during the night and while away. You can save as much as 10 percent a year on your energy bill by turning your thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours a day.
  4. Opt for LED holiday lights: this change can save a surprising amount of energy, consuming 80 to 90 percent less power than incandescent lights. 
Do you have a green tip that you would like to have included in a future newsletter? Please share it with us here!

Donate Your Old Car, Boat, Motorcycle, or RV!

Do you have an old car, boat, truck, motorcycle, or RV you no longer need? Consider donating it to Sierra Club Maine and give yourself a tax break!  Your old vehicle, boat, or RV can have a big impact. In fact, the money we receive from it goes directly to protecting Maine’s air, water, lands, and wildlife. Donating is easy. Simply complete an online form here then someone will come pick it up for you for free - that’s it! Find out more online here and make sure to designate it to “Sierra Club Maine.”

The Month Ahead

Here are some of the meetings and events we have coming up. We hope to see you soon!

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