Earth Day and Community Conversations

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Join Us for Earth Day Live!

Earth Day 2020 & Community Conversations

Earth Day 2020

Physical distancing doesn’t mean we have to cancel Earth Day or disengage from collective action. From April 22 to 24, youth activists and adults are coming together for Earth Day Live, a three-day live stream event focused on climate action.

The live stream will include training sessions, performances, and appearances to keep people engaged, informed, and inspired, with speakers including celebrities, politicians, scientists, and youth activists. Most of the 72 hours will be national content, but we will also be presenting local content. To register for the National content, please visit here. To register and to learn more about our local Maine content, please see below. 

Day 1 (April 22)

Noon - 1pm

We will be discussing the history and impacts of Earth Day and climate change, our environment before 1970 and the following 50 years. Also joining us will be members of the Portland Climate Action Team with examples of direct climate action on the local level. We will also discuss food security, local food, and resiliency. Please Register here.

6pm - 7pm

We are hosting environmentalist and climate change comedian, Jason Wentworth, to guide us through this time. Then, we will have a group discussion to connect and share with others. Finally, we will end with a short film 'Maine Roadtrip to the Future' by Andy Burt. Register here.

7pm - 8pm

We have co-sponsored a virtual showing of the film 'Mossville' through the Camden Film Festival. Mossville will be available to stream online from April 17 - April 22. Tickets are $10 and include a live virtual Q&A with members of the filmmaking team and local environmental activists at 7pm on Zoom. Visit here for more information.

Day 2 & Day 3 (April 23 & 24)

On Day 2 and Day 3, the National feed will continue to show content, but we will not have our own local content. Instead, we are promoting the Maine Youth Climate Strikes events. They are asking adult allies to join them and rally together in an intergenerational effort.

On the second day, they are hosting a webinar about fossil fuel divestment, and how this affects youth and the climate crisis, from 1pm-2pm. Day 2 ends with a massive letter-writing campaign to the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, a group heavily invested in fossil fuels. The Facebook event for the Day 2 event can be found at this link, along with the registration at this link. 

For the third and final day, Sunrise Portland is organizing a virtual candidate’s forum with several Maine U.S. Senate candidates from 5pm - 7pm on April 24th. This is an opportunity for questions about environmental issues, and for youth to engage these candidates. This event will be streamed over multiple platforms, and you will be able to register here.

We hope you join us for this global day of collective action and community!

For more information about the National content, please visit


Upcoming Community Conservations Series

Sierra Club Maine has developed a means of physically distancing while socially engaging! We invite you to join us for a kitchen table, bi-weekly series of conversations and discussions in your own home via ZOOM. Our plans are to turn this bi-weekly series into a vital resource for members and friends to engage on issues in the comfort of your own homes. Join our kitchen table talks!

April 21, Talk with Rep. Seth Berry at 7pm

Representative Seth Berry, Chair, Energy, Utilities & Technology Committee of Maine Legislature will update on and review legislative action related to climate change and the Energy Working Group of the Maine Climate Council. He will also speak to issues related to the creation of the Maine Public Power Delivery Authority as a consumer-owned utility. Please RSVP here.

May 5, David Gibson, Executive Committee and ReVision Energy

May 19, Meg Sheehan (Megadam Resistance) & Sandra Howard (Say No to NECEC)

For more information and to register for future talks, visit our website here.
As we all deal with a global pandemic with COVID-19, we wanted to let you know how the Sierra Club is adapting and responding so we can keep doing the important work of helping our communities, protecting our natural and human environment and fighting for a just, clean energy future.

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