What do you want your legacy to be?


What do you want your legacy to be?

A planned gift to the Los Padres Chapter will create a legacy that provides for a sustainable and healthy future for Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Naming the chapter as a beneficiary in your will, living trust, or other estate plans creates a significant, meaningful, and enduring impact for the Chapter.

You can also choose to list the chapter in your life insurance policy, IRA, or other retirement plan. Whatever strategy you choose, planned gifts give you the benefits of remaining in full control of your assets during your lifetime and the ability to modify your gift to address changing circumstances. As a bonus, under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.

Most donors define their gifts as a general use gift. This type of gift is most helpful to the Chapter because it allows us to direct funds to our most crucial conservation priorities. However, if you have a specific environmental or program interest, or if you wish to establish an endowment, we would be happy to assist you in planning a fit that meets your interests and the long-term goals of the Chapter.

If you do decide to include the Los Padres Chapter in your plans, we hope you’ll let us know. This information helps guide our long-term planning and allows us to express our thanks to you and to our community.

To request more information or to notify us about your plan, please contact Fundraising Chair, Emily Engel: emilyaengel@gmail.com

Or Chapter Director Jonathan Ullman: jonathan.ullman@sierraclub.org

Thank you for your support!