Beware of those who would block the sun

By Jon Ullman
Chapter Director

Giant Fusion Reactor

As we speak, monopolies are unleashing an unprecedented attack on Californians’ access to the sun.

The changes proposed in California would “decimate the cost effectiveness of rooftop solar,” according to the Sierra Club.

Having worked on clean energy and climate issues in Florida and California, I’ve seen what happens when a monopoly seeks full control. Don’t let California go down that path.

One quick way is to tell Governor Newsom to Save California Solar at:

Both California and Florida investor-owned energy corporations are seeking to stall the rooftop solar market with help from a national web of utility industry lobbyists and think tanks. Florida-based, anti-rooftop NextEra is known as a large clean-energy contractor to SoCal Edison and other utilities nationwide.

Its monopoly, Florida Power and Light (FPL), not only is extinguishing the solar rooftop market, but only providing 3% of utility solar. Meanwhile, FPL generates close to 75% of its electricity from fossil fuels.

NextEra has become so brazen; it may be a threat to democracy itself. Two years ago, Florida State Senator José Javier Rodríguez (D), an FPL watchdog and rooftop solar advocate endorsed by Sierra Club Florida, lost reelection by 34 votes to Ileana Garcia, Republican founder of Latinas for Trump … but a “ghost candidate” who shared the same last name as José Javier Rodríguez, received 6,000 votes.

The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel revealed that a car parts dealer named Alexis Rodriguez was paid to enter the race to siphon votes, through a web of dark money consultants working closely with Florida Power and Light, a NextEra Energy company. Alexis Rodriguez took a plea deal and is now helping prosecutors. NextEra’s connection to the loss of Jose Javier Rodriguez continues to make headlines in Florida as more people who carried out the scheme are charged.

I don’t think California is Florida yet, but it must repel the utility power grab.

We need a lot more utility-scale and rooftop solar in California, but no monopoly should ever be allowed to own the sun.

Take action:

Tell Gov. Newsom to Save California Solar:

You can also call his office at 916-445-2841, M - F from 9-5. Be patient if lines are busy and keep calling. Here's a sample script.
"My name is ___ and I live in ____. I expect Governor Newsom to take a stand against the Solar Tax and in favor of making rooftop solar more affordable for middle- and working-class people, not less. I see this issue as a test for Governor Newsom's commitment to addressing rate hikes, blackouts and air pollution. I expect him to side with the people, not the utilities. Thank you."