Saving San Marcos Foothills appears likely

Foothills Forever

It looks like an upswell of support is likely to save the 100-acre oak savannah west of the San Marcos Foothills above Santa Barbara.

A June 1 deadline was extended to June 9 to gain $18.6 million, and the campaign is close.

Donations are still open (see website below) and hopes are high that the parcel will be saved as a preserve instead of a luxury home development. The site would be added to an adjoining 200-acre preserve if successful.

By virtue of its easy accessibility by both bus and bike, this natural space is also an invaluable resource for people and a diversity of wildlife including rabbits, hawks, owls, and bobcats. Also, band of coyotes can be regularly seen and heard.

Donations to the Foothills Forever Campaign is run through Santa Barbara Foundation. If the funds fell short, donations over $250 would be returned; under $250 would be used for the adjacent preserve.

Supporters who gave over a million dollars included the Allemall Foundation and Judy and Jack Stapelmann, anonymous and another anonymous donation of $5 million near the deadline – from a long-time local businesswoman – brought it close.
Our Sierra Club donated, as did individual members. But the list of other supporters is exceptionally long, such as The Land Trust of SB County, SB Museum of Natural History and Botanic Garden, Wildling Museum, SB Audubon, Lotusland, The Fund for Santa Barbara and more, along with hundreds of individual donors.

Due to the grassland's cultural significance, Chumash youth, with many young allies, led the successful effort to literally halt the bulldozers, which led to negotiations with the landowner and developer, who gave the Save San Marcos Foothills coalition three months to raise $18.6 million to buy the land.

To donate, go to: