What's March appeal all about?

The Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter’s annual March Appeal is underway, and all members should be getting the request in the mail, if you haven’t already.

Please don’t toss it … the March fundraiser is critical for our chapter because all the funds raised go toward defending wild lands, protecting clean air and water, and advancing climate solutions right here in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Without your support, this crucial work will not be done.

On the protection side, Exxon and other oil and gas companies continue the assault on our local environment. Our staff and volunteers are working tirelessly to prevent Exxon from restarting oil production on the Central Coast. We are defending oil drilling safety buffers and, notably in Ventura, calling for environmental review of old permits, which will also help advance statewide standards.

On the clean side, the Chapter is part of the bold Sierra Club 30x30 campaign to protect 30% of our valuable wildlands and waters by 2030.  Part of that is advocating for building electrification in Santa Barbara and other local cities.

Your donation supports community education and outreach, as well as civic advocacy to help advance all-electric buildings and transport, setting a precedent for the rest of the country to follow.

As for wild lands, the chapter staff and volunteers are helping steward the Central Coast Heritage Protection Act into law, sponsored by our local Rep. Salud Carbajal, and protecting nearly 245,000 acres of wilderness, creating two scenic areas encompassing about 35,000 acres, and safeguarding 159 miles of wild and scenic rivers right here in our own backyard.

Your donation supports this work.

Thanks to your generosity, our chapter has a plan and is ready to fight back and make things better. When you invest in the Sierra Club, you are helping us use all the tools of democracy to protect our own irreplaceable planet.

Special thanks to all our past donors! We know we can count on you to continue supporting the chapter. You are part of a growing network of grassroots changemakers.

You can donate today using the form you received in the mail or via the web: www.sierraclub.org/donate/1000

It’s just that easy. Questions? Contact Emily Engel: emilyaengel@gmail.com