Huge drive to save San Marcos Foothills

Our Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter is supporting a push to purchase the San Marcos Foothills West Mesa which is a privately-owned 101-acre property next to the County-owned San Marcos Foothills Preserve.

Significant positives include the ability to access it by bus and bicycle and it would be managed in concert with the existing Foothills Preserve, adding to wildlife, watershed, and conservation goals.

To help the effort and to learn more, go to:

The West Mesa property is in Santa Barbara, near “the bridge to nowhere” over San Marcos pass, at the north end of Via Gaitero Road. The owners are currently in the process of securing final County approval to build 8 new homes, guest houses, and associated development and landscaping.

However, the owners have agreed to sell the property for $18 million to a conservancy to protect it forever. The campaign is to raise $20 million, with the difference used to cover the costs of acquiring it plus an initial endowment to maintain and manage it.

Foothills Forever has a deadline of June 2 to raise the money so the time is short. Donations are tax deductible and are handled via the Santa Barbara Foundation. It would be managed as part of the San Marcos Foothills Preserve.

Our chapter gave $1,000 and may give more later.

In addition to Sierra Club, supporters include Channel Islands Restoration, SB and Goleta Audubon, SB Botanic Garden, Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, Environmental Defense Center, among many others and numerous citizens.