The Hines Chronicles

Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune and Jim Hines

Editor’s Note: This chronicle of Jim Hines (our vice-chair, Ventura Conservation Director, and lobbyist) was compiled from his emails to our Executive Committee. Starting from a pessimistic email of Oct 9, you will read about how his lobby efforts on the national front evolved. It starts off with an overview in late November and leads into the emails.

By Jim Hines
My world today is not as in 2019 when I made numerous trips to lobby in the halls of power in DC, in 2020 I made zero trips. In 2019 I spoke face to face in front of 100 civic groups, organizations and community events. In 2020 I spoke to groups on Zoom, because of Covid my entire lobbying work was done from a computer and a phone in my home office. My email list is now is around 6000 email addresses, so many people care and want to help, thank you, thank you for we are a nation of people power and I could not have done what I did in 2020 without your encouragement and support.

Oct 9: No doubt that you have seen on the news about the plot by a far-right wing militia group to kidnap Michigan Governor G. Whitmer. From my dealings with such groups, I can tell you these are not just isolated groups but are powerfully organized, well financed and have political power in the halls of power in DC. My dealings with these groups center around my work to protect YOUR national public lands in the western U.S.

Nov 1: Yikes, I was looking at my work schedule and I have a meeting scheduled (remotely) with an Interior Assistant Secretary, Jeremy Carl. And it turns out that he writes articles about and speaks to groups about the importance of white supremacy.

Nov 4: While the Presidential race has yet to be decided, the President is wasting no time in putting people in charge of YOUR national parks and land units who will seek to dismantle those very areas cherished so dearly by the American people. Also have a meeting with BLM Director William Pendley, who is active in the armed patriot militia movement.
So, I will meet, listen, learn, bite my tongue, speak politely, and stay positive as I enter the swamp of the U.S. Dept of the Interior

Nov 5: A report just released by Interior shows NO National Park funding for the backlog of park maintenance projects in our region (actually the whole nation).Sierra Club and others worked hard to lobby to pass the Land and Water Conservation Fund, but the report has thumbed its nose at this bipartisan bill by listing no funding.

Nov 7: Good Morning Friends: It is a new day in America ...
I will no longer have to endure endless lectures from Trump Administration officials and have contentious meetings with anti-federal lands militia members. When it is safe to travel to DC again, I look forward to kinder, gentler. common sense science-based meetings with officials of the Biden Administration.

I happen to know a Biden staffer in the transition team for Interior; in a couple of weeks I will reach out to her with a list of actions we’d like to see overturned. I also worked on bills with Kamala Harris as a Senator from California so it would be great if I could approach her.

Nov 10: Biden Transition Team announced that BLM headquarters will move back to DC next year without current Director William Pendley.

Nov 13: I spoke with a Chief of Staff to the House Committee on Natural Resources, learning Congress will convene on Jan. 3, 2021. There is already an ambitious agenda of bills planned to undo all of the environmental damage done over the past four years by the Trump Administration.

Nov 14: WHEW ... what a whirlwind week for me.
So much good news, so much encouragement and so much hope.
I spoke by phone with a staffer for VP Kamala Harris who assured us she is fully committed to advancing a national environmental agenda which will be far reaching in its protections for public lands, wildlife, clean air and water. On Day One the new administration will address the impacts of climate change and environmental justice.

So now off to garden chores and to enjoy the beauty of the Autumn flower beds in bloom and then out on the trail this weekend.

Nov 16: I am beginning to cross out Trump Administration contacts and filling them with Biden/Harris contacts.
~ Compiled and edited by Condor John