Environmental Justice
Sierra Club Environmental JusticeSierra Club Environmental Justice Policy
Fighting Climate Change
Photo by N. Jilderda on Pexels
Educating, lobbying, and protesting for a liveable world for all inhabitants.
Almost two decades ago, the members of the national Sierra Club voted to make fighting climate change the highest priority of the...
Lands, Water, and Wildlife
Photo of Elaine Giessel and Holly
Our Wild America: Lands, Water and Wildlife
Lands, Water, and Wildlife IssuesElaine GiesselContact Elaine
Sierra Club's Our Wild America campaign, which combats both the biodiversity and climate crises, is...
Photo by Michael Poppa, Mainstream Coalition, Kansas House Chamber from Gallery
Chapter Legislative Chair
Gerry Snyder (he/him)
Contact Gerry
Chapter Lobbyist
Zack Pistora (he/...
Political Action
Chapter Political Chair
Yvonne Cather (she/her)
Contact Yvonne