
View of Kansas House chamber from Gallery
 Photo by Michael Poppa, Mainstream Coalition, Kansas House Chamber from Gallery
Chapter Legislative Chair
Gerry Snyder (he/him)
Contact Gerry
Chapter Lobbyist
Zack Pistora (he/him)
KS Zack Pistora barn
Kansans deserve a healthy and prosperous future that advances our economy and our environment.
The Kansas Sierra Club is the only organization in our state with a lobbyist devoted to environmental issues. We want our children to inherit a better Kansas and a brighter future. To make that possible, our lobbyist, Zack Pistora, leads the charge advocating for wiser oversight of our natural resources, cleaner energy infrastructure, and protection from harmful pollution.
One lobbyist cannot do it alone. We depend on volunteers to join us in the movement for a healthy, clean, and just future. Voters must convince their legislators to do what’s necessary to promote renewable energy production, energy efficiency and conservation. With the backing of our legislators, Kansas can create green jobs by supporting the production of wind and solar energy. Help us push Kansas ahead with policy that recognizes the urgency of the climate crisis and the necessity for building resilient and equitable communities.
What should you do?  We are most effective when we are well-informed and prepared.
Find out how we rate your legislators by checking out our Legislative Scorecards.

2022 Legislative Scorecard coming this summer
2020 Legislative Scorecard

2018 Legislative Scorecard
2016 Legislative Scorecard