Sharice Davids Preps for New Role On House Ag Committee

Sharice Davids in office
Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03), Twitter photo

Last month Legislative Assistant Eric Dunay asked Kansas Sierra Club Chapter Chair Elaine Giessel and Communications Chair Mimi Moffat what they wanted Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) to consider in her work representing Kansans. Giessel and Moffat met with Dunay at a local coffee house while he and his boss were in Kansas during the House recess.
Environmental issues discussed included conservation provisions in the 2023 Farm Bill, protection of drinking water quality, and preservation of grasslands and wetlands. Davids, who is the Vice-Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, recently gained a seat on the Agriculture Committee, a key committee assignment for a Kansas legislator. 

Davids has been traveling in new rural areas added to her Congressional district. In June she met with Franklin County constituents on the front porch of Sierra Club members Polly Shteamer and Scott Yeargain, at their farm in Ottawa, Kansas.  Her listening tours are a way to learn more about agricultural issues. Franklin County has more than 1,000 farms and crop and livestock sales exceed $140 million.

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