Waste, Air Pollution, Toxics

The Iowa Chapter supports policies that reduce pollution, increase recycling, move to zero land-filling, and reduce the release of toxics into the environment.  Whether that pollution is manure from industrial livestock operations, industrial discharges, or discharges from municipal sewage treatment plants, that pollution can have negative affects on our health.

Reducing the release of toxics

PFAS - toxic chemical, hazardous to humans

Air quality initiatives 

Air Quality Policy Initiatives

Understanding Air Pollution and Regulated Pollutants

Understanding Particulate Matter Air Pollution: Black Carbon (Soot)

Turn your key - Be Idle Free

Open Burning

Ammonia and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

Policy to Reduce Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Air Pollution in Iowa

Understanding Air Pollution from Lead

Policy on outdoor wood boilers

Fire pits and outdoor fireplaces pose risk

Reducing waste, increasing recycling

A culture of recovery and recycling, rather than waste and disposal, should be encouraged among households, who in turn may benefit from the end product. We should no longer consider a throw-away society to be the norm, nor facilitate that ethic.

Concerns About Iowa's Bottle Deposit Law

Plastic bags

The goal is zero land-filling


recycling bin