Bill Tracker Worksheet - 2025 Legislative Session
The legislature gaveled in on January 13, 2025.
The Iowa Chapter is tracking the bills in the following worksheet. Bills can be accessed from
To learn more about our positions on key bills, see our blog
Bills are sorted by “Position”, followed by “Bill number”.
Note: The Legislative Committee votes to take an “Undecided” (aka “Monitoring”) position on a bill when additional research is needed (more thorough reading of the bill, conferring with other collaborative partners, tactical follow-up with legislative bill sponsor); or because registering on a bill is necessary to be able to speak on it, we want to be able to speak in Committee and/or quickly react to changes that make the bill better/worse.
Bill # |
Prior bill |
Description |
Issue |
Position: for, against, undecided |
HF142 |
Modifications to forest and fruit tree reservation property tax exemptions, setting a tax, retiring the old program |
wildlands |
against |
HF191 |
Prohibits geoengineering – the intentional release on contaminants into the atmosphere to affect temperature, weather, or the intensity of sunlight. Requires DNR to form emergency rules implementing the prohibition. |
Climate |
Against |
HF29 |
Reduces fur dealer license fees to $50 for both in-state and out-of-state dealers. Currently DNR rules charge $264 annually for resident fur dealer licenses. Currently non-resident fur-dealer license are $586 annually or $292.50 for one day and one location. Currently, if non-residents live in a state that has reciprocity with Iowa, the nonresident pays the reciprocity fee amount (which is between the resident and nonresident license fee). |
Wildlife |
against |
HF302 |
HSB67 |
Utilities Commission prohibited from considering climate change for consideration of hazardous liquid pipelines |
pipelines |
against |
HF596 |
Changes laws for recounts of an election |
Good govt |
against |
HF654 , SF350 |
HF438 |
Lays out process for selecting Iowans attending the Convention of the States – Article V |
Good govt |
against |
HF834 , SSB1112 |
HSB123 |
Governor’s Energy Act |
Energy |
against |
HF866 |
HSB254 |
A landowner or tenant can kill any species of goose the person considers a nuisance |
Wildlife |
against |
HJR11 |
SJR2 , HJR6 |
Article V constitutional convention to impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, sets terms for a person serving in Congress |
Good Govt |
against |
HJR7 , SJR7 |
HJR1 , SSB1132 |
Constitutional amendment on right to hunt, fish, trap, harvest wildlife subject to reasonable laws enacted by the general assembly and reasonable rules adopted by the natural resource commission that promote wildlife conservation and management, maintain natural resources in trust for public use, and preserve the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting wildlife. The amendment shall not be construed to modify any provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass, property rights, or water resources. It states that public hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting of wildlife shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife. Amendment h1026 |
Wildlife |
against |
HSB281 |
Forbids ranked-choice voting, changes threshold for being a political party from 2% to 10% of the voting electorate, sets up a pilot program with a 3rd party for voter verification, and other items |
Good govt |
against |
SF140 |
HF245 |
A satellite absentee voting station cannot be placed on school property if a question to approve a bond, an instructional support program, an educational improvement program, a physical plant and equipment levy, or public education and recreation levy issued by any school appears on the ballot |
Good Govt |
against |
SF17 |
Forest and fruit tree reservation property tax exemption given to those who have homestead exemption, verification of eligibility |
Wildlands |
against |
SF219 , HF634 |
Forest and fruit tree reservations will be assessed property tax based on location of the reservation and where owner maintains a homestead |
wildlands |
against |
SF394 |
SSB1051 |
Provides civil liability protection for pesticide manufacturers. The label provides sufficient warming if it complies with any one of 3 criteria: 1: it was approved by the EPA, 2: it is consistent with the most recent human health assessment performed under the federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, 3: it is consistent with EPA’s carcinogenicity classification for the pesticide |
Toxics , pesticides |
against |
SF407 |
Changes membership in judicial nominating commissions – Governor would get to appoint 6 of the 11 commissioners instead of 5, the most senior judge in the district would be removed from the commission, commission members would select their own chair |
Good govt |
against |
SF432 |
DNR and county conservations boards are supposed to use REAP funds (open spaces, county conservation accounts) for fence erecting, repairs, or replacement |
Wildlands |
against |
SF459 |
SSB1128 |
Prohibits ranked choice voting and instant runoffs |
Good govt |
against |
SF491 |
SSB1191 |
Regulates flying of drones over farmland and sets criminal penalties |
Ag |
against |
SF553 |
HF714 , SSB1198 |
Forbids Department of Natural Resources from acquiring land via auction |
wildlands |
against |
SF75 , HF786
SSB1018 , HF127 |
Dictates that counties with 125,000 or more residents and counties with the main campus of an institution of higher learning governed by the state board of regents (ISU, UNI, UI) elect members to the Board of Supervisors following Plan 3. Plan 3 requires individual members of the board of supervisors to be elected from single-member, equal-population districts. Currently counties can decide for themselves how the supervisors are elected – at large, residing in districts but elected at large, residing in districts with and voted on by members living in the district |
Good govt |
against |
SSB1115 |
HSB204 |
Changes process in how a city can grant, amend, extend, renew a franchise within the city. Changes how a city can discontinue the operation of a city utility. It reduces citizen participation. |
Energy |
against |
HF237 |
SF228 |
Utilities Commission will not threaten or impose sanctions on intervenors in contested cases before the Iowa utilities commission unless they were dishonest or in violation of criminal statute or unless injury is quantifiable and exceeds $500. |
pipeline |
for |
HF259 , SF388 |
HSB75 , SSB1087 |
Giving public notice of public meetings, amended meeting agendas, and cancellations |
Good govt |
for |
HF400 , SF389 |
HSB76 , SSB1086 |
upon receipt of a public records request, the lawful custodian shall promptly acknowledge the request and provide the contact information of the lawful custodian’s authorized designee, provide an approximate date for a response and an estimate of any reasonable fees associated with the request, and inform the requester of any expected delay in production of the public record |
Good govt |
for |
HF404 |
HSB81 |
Establishes a community solar program |
Energy |
for |
HF491 |
HF657 |
Defines common carriers in eminent domain law and commodity |
pipeline |
for |
HF533 |
HSB128 |
Authorizes Iowa to join the Midwest interstate passenger rail compact |
Energy |
for |
HF578 |
HF239 , SF229 |
Restructures the Office of Consumer Advocate |
Pipeline |
for |
HF610 |
Defines who can intervene in a Utilities Commission proceeding – member of general assembly, elected county or city official, resident with a minimally plausible interest in the proceeding |
Pipeline |
for |
HF639 |
HF240 , SF239 |
Insurance requirements for hazardous liquid pipeline |
Pipeline |
for |
HF642 |
HF467 |
Members of county advisory boards to be residents of the county |
Good govt |
for |
HF651 , SSB1116 |
HSB154 |
Changes the public notice requirements for cities and counties, affects zoning and revitalization hearings. Also includes other notice requirements. |
Good govt |
for |
HF700 |
HF377 |
Allows a renter to have a radon test of the rental property. Landlord can retest. If higher results of either test is greater than 4 picocuries per liter, a radon mitigation system is to be installed. Failure to install radon mitigation allows the renter to break the lease. |
toxics |
for |
HF706 |
HF416 |
Increases the fines for violations of the open meetings laws, requires public officials to have training on open meetings and open records |
Good govt |
for |
HF707 |
HF364 |
$20,000 appropriated to Department of Health and Human Services for radon test kits – which will be distributed free-of-charge to homeowners and renters; HHS to designate a radon testing laboratory |
toxics |
for |
HF753 |
Allows acquisition of hazardous material response vehicles and equipment without bonding votes |
toxics |
for |
HF763 |
HF242 , SF226 |
Identifies which court can handle eminent domain cases arising from carbon dioxide pipelines, plus declaratory order regarding the right of eminent domain |
Pipeline |
for |
HF768 , SF386 |
SSB1085 , HSB77 |
Changes window for filing complaints with Public Information Board from 60 days to 90 days about a violation of the open meetings or open records laws or when person becomes aware of the violation |
Good govt |
for |
HF780 |
HF238 , SF225 |
One-and-done permit applications for a carbon dioxide pipeline; no renewals, pipeline can only operate for 25 years |
Pipeline |
for |
HF790 |
HF241 , SF224 |
All utilities commission members must be in attendance at hearings and at least one member must be at informational meetings |
Pipeline |
for |
HF82 |
state building code to require new single-family or 2-family residential construction must include passive methods for mitigating radon. |
toxics |
for |
HF861 |
HF480 |
Department of Natural Resources is to look at water withdrawal permit applications on a case-by-case basis and not based on categories of beneficial use – applies to heavy water users withdrawing water from an aquifer |
Water |
for |
HF881 , SF426 |
HSB66 , SSB1041 |
A person has liability for reasonable costs incurrent by the state or other political subdivisions for responding to the scene of a hazardous condition caused by the person and oversight and monitoring of the condition |
toxics |
for |
HF895 |
SSB1183 , |
Eliminates thresholds for creating regional transit districts |
energy |
for |
HSB165 |
Study of commercial fertilizer by Iowa Dept of Ag or it contractor to reduce the per-cropland-acre application of nitrogen fertilizer by the less of 15% or 30 pounds, report is due Jan. 15, 2028 |
Ag |
for |
HSB287 |
SF92 |
Precludes eminent domain for hazardous liquid pipeline on agriculture land |
Pipeline |
for |
HSB306 |
Companies claiming the research activities tax credit and having mass layoffs are not given the full tax credit; there is a graduated schedule for the amount of the reduction |
Good govt |
for |
HSB308 |
Expands who qualifies for LIHEAP, Iowa Health and Human Services to assess utilities for costs for the expansion, non-profit electric utility can assess a fee on all ratepayers not receiving LIHEAP, for-profit electric utility not allowed to assess fees on ratepayers |
Energy |
for |
SF169 |
if a nonprofit cooperative association or cooperative association provides utility service to members, the most recent biennial report and financial information, including the budget and balance sheet, for the nonprofit cooperative association or cooperative association must be made available to a member within 30 days of a reasonable request by the member. |
Energy |
for |
SF425 , HF876 |
SSB1063 , HF442 |
Disclosure of lead service lines when real estate is transferred |
Toxics |
for |
SF47 , HF472 |
SF334 , HSB116 |
Deals with SLAPP suits SF47 – amendment s3010 – Sierra Club opposes the amendment |
Good Govt |
for |
HF211 |
radon mitigation system tax credit up to $1,000 available against the individual and corporate income taxes |
toxics |
undecided |
HF473 |
HF107 |
Allows use of all-terrain vehicles on public hunting areas for the purpose of transporting deer carcasses |
Wildlands |
Undecided |
HF529 |
HSB134 |
maximum weight of vehicles powered primarily by electric battery set at 82,000 pounds |
Energy |
undecided |
HF548 |
HSB135 |
A person shall not recycle battery electric motor vehicles or plug-in hybrid electric motor vehicles, unless the person is an authorized vehicle recycler who has successfully completed a vehicle high-voltage battery safe handling and storage education program approved by the department of transportation. An authorized vehicle recycler shall display a program completion certificate next to the recycler’s license. The department of transportation shall approve vehicle high-voltage battery safe handling and storage education programs. The programs shall award a program completion certificate to an authorized vehicle recycler who successfully completes the program. |
Energy - EVs |
undecided |
HF625 |
Sets repeal dates for tax credits, including wind energy production tax credit, charitable conservation contribution tax credit, research activities tax credit, renewable energy tax credit, geothermal heat pump |
Good govt |
undecided |
HF799 , SF522 |
SSB1160 , HSB143 |
Changes to the operation of the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship |
Ag |
undecided |
HF847 , SF338
HSB103 , SSB1101 |
Removes Iowa’s greenhouse gas reporting; will rely on the reports that have been done in the past by EPA |
Climate |
undecided |
HF853 |
HF36 |
Defines interpreting statutes and rules in court proceedings – de novo |
Good govt |
undecided |
HF860 |
HSB214 |
Prohibits state and local regulation on fuel-powered equipment based on the equipment’s fuel source |
Energy |
undecided |
SF260 |
SSB1093 |
Allows landowner to breach a beaver dam to protect property, also reduces the fur dealer license fee to $50 for both resident and non-residents (currently $264 annually for residents; $586 annually for non-residents or $292.50 for a one-day one-location license) |
Wildlife |
undecided |
SF465 |
HSB221 , SSB1106 |
changes brownfield and grayfield, and redevelopment tax credits, plus other tax credits have changes |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF494 |
SF161 |
Prohibits state agencies and local governments from regulating certain residential gardens – does not include growing prairie plants, city can still say tall plants are a public nuisance |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF498 |
Prohibits counties and cities from adopting and enforcing landscape standards, in areas zoned commercial or multifamily residential |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF503 |
SSB1072 |
an instrumentality of a city or township is a government body subject to open records law |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF512 |
SSB1179 |
General assembly is the only way dates can change for filing civil actions |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF540 |
SSB1175 |
Implements prior law reassigning prosecution of election law violations to the attorney general, allows state commissioner of elections to issue directives that are not subject to rule-making process, allows an electronic poll book and election register, county commissioner of elections |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF541 |
SSB1130 |
Overhauls administration of elections |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF543 |
SSB1176 |
Deals with election recounts |
Good govt |
undecided |
SF545 , HF726 |
SSB1196 |
Battery stewardship plan and dealing with the disposal and recycling of batteries. After Jan. 1, 2028, batteries are to be dropped off at a collection site and not land-filled. |
toxics |
undecided |
SF546 , HF843 |
SF268 , HSB194 |
Relates to oil and gas production filing requirements along with requirements for metallic minerals exploration or production (hydrogen). Updates current oil and gas law to include hydrogen. |
Energy |
undecided |
SSB1205 , HSB305 |
Sets repeal dates for tax credits, changes research activities tax credit and puts a total cap on the amount, renewable fuel assistance from livestock are given assistance from the university, sets sustainable aviation fuel tax credit, aggregates some tax credits and sets a cap on how much is dispersed |
Good govt |
undecided |