Carbon Dioxide Pipelines
Two companies currently have proposed running carbon dioxide pipelines across Iowa.
Sustainable Agriculture
The Iowa Chapter supports policies that transition toward more sustainable agriculture, including restoring and preserving topsoil.
Beyond Coal
Beyond Coal is a national campaign calling for the retirement of the U.S. coal fleet by 2030. Since 2010, a coal plant has retired every 17 days in the United States. Beyond Coal has played a role in retiring over 350 coal plants,...
Climate Change
Transitioning from coal and other fossil fuel to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Good Government
The Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club is committed to environmental protection The Chapter applies pressure on political leaders and government decision makers in order to achieve positive changes to protect the environment. Active participation...
Waste, Air Pollution, Toxics
Reducing waste, increasing recycling, reducing release of toxins, reducing air pollution
Water Quality and Quantity
The Iowa Chapter currently is pursuing every opportunity to ensure Iowa complies with the Clean Water Act. Iowa residents expect clean water.
Wildlands, Wild Rivers & Wildlife
The Iowa Chapter supports policies that protect Iowa’s wild lands, wild rivers and wildlife. We vigilantly monitor development proposals that affect significant natural areas.