Successful public hearing on "No Eminent Domain for Private Gain"

Landowners met at capitol with message "No eminent domain for private gain"

On March 29 landowners in the path of the proposed carbon sequestration projects converged on the Iowa Capitol and let legislators know they they do not support the use of eminent domain for private gain.  The public hearing was organized by the Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club and several of its coalition partners.

A unique coalition has formed around this issue.  Speakers highlighted the diverse members - Democrats and Republicans, farmers and environmentalists, young and old.  They all came together to let the legislators know “No eminent domain for private gain”.

We want real climate solutions - not greenwashing schemes!

Iowa has three carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline proposals.  They are centered around Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The lines would carry captured carbon from ethanol plants. CCS is very complicated but when you boil it down, the basic premise is that it captures the carbon and stores it underground (CCS) or it captures the carbon and uses it for industrial purposes.

Both Summit and Navigator pipelines claim that they are going to permanently store the CO2 underground, but we have strong evidence and statements from the companies that both will use the CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).  EOR is the process of pumping CO2 into dwindling oil fields to get the last bit of oil out of the ground.  The two pipelines in Iowa are being offered as false climate solutions, especially if they will be utilized for enhanced oil recovery and extending the life of coal-fired power plants and the ethanol industry.

Pressurized CO2 is incredibly dangerous and a pipeline leak or break could poison surrounding communities and first responders.  High concentrations of CO2 can asphyxiate humans, livestock, pets, and wildlife.

CCS is a false solution that takes us farther away from our climate goals. These pipelines continue business as usual, will only be feasible with massive public subsidies, and should not be approved. Let’s invest in REAL climate solutions.

We already know the solutions to our climate crisis - we must end our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in solar, wind, battery storage, conservation and efficiency!

Public Hearing in March, 2022, at the Iowa Capitol

What became clear during the public hearing was that the landowners are being pressured to give an easement to the pipeline companies.  They are not willing negotiations.  Landowners are feeling like they are being harrassed.  Landowners told stories of being approached multiple times a day, even after they told the land agents that they were not interested in giving an easement.  "No" was not registering with the land agents as meaning no. 

As Senator Jeff Taylor mentioned in his comments during the public hearing, even if the landowner says no, the pipeline can still get an easement through eminent domain and condemnation.

In addition asking for permanent ban on granting eminent domain for private projects, lawmakers were asked to pass legislation that would pose restrictions on what land agents can say and do in their attempts to obtain easements.