The Reason CAFOs Need to Hold a Surety Bond

Surety bonding on confined animal feeding operations

When concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) discharge manure into a water body or onto land, an expensive clean-up process is sometimes involved. 

Once a discharge occurs, dealing with the discharge might involve building a dam on the landowner’s property, on a neighbor’s property, or on public land (ditches, park land, stream banks).  Damages to the water body might occur, including fish kills, contamination of private drinking water wells, or contamination of public drinking water sources. 

Public employees get involved in advising the landowner concerning damage control and the clean-up process.  In the case of public lands or water bodies being contaminated, the government agency is directly involved in the repair process, restoration of wildlife, and restoration of native habitat. 

Paying for the damage can become very expensive.  Sometimes the CAFO owner and operator is struggling financially, is not solvent, or has inadequate farm liability insurance.  A bond could be used to ensure that there is money to cover damages.  

The money would be used to:

  • reimburse the state or a political subdivision, or an agent of the state or political subdivision, for costs associated with containment or cleanup;
  • fund the restoration of wild animal populations or habitat; and
  • support the payment of a judgment award recovered by a plaintiff in a civil action.               
Between 2012 through 2018, an average of 19 discharges of manure entered Iowa’s rivers, streams, and lakes every year.[1]  

Ask your legislators if they would support requiring CAFO owners to purchase a bond that would pay for costs associated with containment or cleanup after a spill; fund the restoration of wild animal populations or habitat; and support the payment of a judgment award recovered by a plaintiff in a civil action.

[1] Iowa Department of Natural Resources, “What is the status of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Work Plan Agreement between EPA and DNR?” June, 2018

confinement building - a factory farm building