A budget that prioritizes supporting the commons – those things we all share

A budget that prioritizes supporting the commons – those things we all share, such as water, natural resources, education, and universities 

Ask your legislators to pass a budget that establishes robust funding for the government, cares for the common assets of the state, and reduces tax loopholes for corporations.

The values and priorities of the legislature and governor are reflected in the state budget.  Iowa has utterly failed in fulfilling its fiduciary duty to care for the common assets of the state. 

Revenue must be raised to match the need instead of cutting taxes and revenue to the point where government cannot function. 

We have been impoverishing the state and enriching corporations under the misguided view that government’s sole responsibility is to grow the economy.  That view has resulted in polluted water, crumbling infrastructure and increased tuition at the universities while corporations’ shareholders have grown rich on our dime.  We can do better. 

The legislature should establish robust funding for essential government services, particularly the judicial branch of government and education, both of which have been neglected in recent years’ budgets. 

The corporate tax rate should be established at an appropriate level to fund the key state budget goals; a start would be to return them to pre-2018 levels.  At the same time, the legislature should eliminate financial giveaways to corporations and use those funds for environmental programs, establishing environment and public health as key state budget goals and prioritizing clean water.  The research tax credit should be eliminated and the funds transferred to the public universities. 

We can do better and we must!

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