International Climate Program

International Climate Program

International Climate Program

1-2 sentences about the program. 

From November 6-18, 2022, Heads of State, along with climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives and CEOs, are meeting in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP27 - the world's largest annual gathering on climate action.

Sierra Club President Ramon Cruz and Cherelle Blazer, Senior Director of the International Climate and Policy Campaign, on what's at stake at COP27.

Members of Sierra Club’s delegation provide an update from the Climate Justice Pavillion during COP27.

Global Grassroots leaders panel at COP 27.

Our Work

Climate Diplomacy

1-2 sentences. Read more.

Climate Diaspora

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Fossil-Free Finance

Banks and other financial institutions play a huge role in keeping fossil fuels on top by investing in dirty, dangerous fossil fuels, rather than cleaner, safer renewable energy. Read more.

Written on a yellow square is "Sierra Club presents Global Impact". An eye with earth as the pupil is between the words "Global Impact." To the right is a red square that reads "Hear stories from grassroots climate activists".

Grassroots and community leaders from around the world share how climate change, pollution, and fossil fuel extraction are impacting their communities. From Vietnam to Ghana, Nigeria to India, we hear from activists across the world to understand their perspective on the climate crises and the ways they encourage leaders to move forward. Listen to all episodes.

Sierra Club’s International Climate Campaign is teaming up with The Blairisms for a series of monthly conversations about climate change and the African Diaspora. Sign up for Blairisms updates.

August 2022 Conversation

Special guest musician Dee-1 joined us and the group reflected on 17 years since Hurricane Katrina. Cherelle joined the conversation from South Africa at the Africa Coal Network conference and introduced us to some of the grassroots leaders working on key campaigns across Africa. Spoken word artist Sunni Paterson closed out the conversation with a performance.

July 2022 Conversation

Nbani Friday joined us from Nigeria and spoke about the toll that oil and gas exploitation has taken on communities in the Niger Delta, including the Ogoni People. Cherelle connected the struggle in Nigeria to the broader global struggle against oil and gas “sacrifice zones” like those in the Gulf South. Spoken word artist Sunni Paterson closed out the conversation with a performance.

June 2022 Conversation

Cherelle joined us from the Bonn Climate Change Conference and provided an update about international conversations over climate mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damages. Special guest, professional storyteller Shaun Derik spoke about how storytelling can help people envision a different future. Spoken word artist Sunni Paterson closed out the conversation with a performance.

The Global Climate Breakdown is hosted by Steve Herz, the Sierra Club’s international climate policy advisor. At least once a month, Herz talks with experts and changemakers to help you understand some of the most important global climate issues. Sign up for Global Climate Breakdown updates.

Global Grassroots Leaders Climate Summit

October 2021

From October 19 - 22, 2021, the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth US convened a Global Grassroots Leaders Summit, to engage the voices on the ground from grassroots and community leaders from countries across the globe who are far too often left out of international climate conversations. Watch the video.

June 2021

From June 2-4, 2021, Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth US convened a Global Grassroots Leaders Summit, to engage the voices on the ground from grassroots and community leaders from countries across the globe who are far too often left out of international climate conversations. Watch the video.

January 27, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, President Biden will sign an Executive Order to center the climate crisis in U.S. foreign policy and national security for the first time. Included in the order is a call for the U.S. to build on its commitment to the…

January 20, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, President Joe Biden will fulfill his promise to start the process of rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement on day one of his presidency. According to the terms of the agreement, the U.S. will legally re-enter in 30 days, on…

December 11, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Five years ago tomorrow, the Paris Climate Agreement was reached among 195 countries to limit further increase in global temperatures and stave off the worst effects of the climate crisis. Just last month, the Trump…

November 23, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, President-elect Joe Biden announced he will be nominating Antony Blinken to serve as Secretary of State. According to reports, Blinken will focus the beginning of his tenure on rebuilding relationships with U.S. allies,…

November 23, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, President-elect Joe Biden announced that he will be appointing former Secretary of State John Kerry as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Kerry will serve as a cabinet-level appointee and on the National Security…