Together, we can protect our forests
StopClearcuttingCA is a grassroots campaign that has been committed for over a decade to educating the public about clearcutting. This widely used timber harvesting technique replaces forests with industrial monoculture tree farms. It degrades forest floor soil and watersheds, decreases biodiversity, threatens wildlife, increases wildfire danger, accelerates climate change, and promotes environmental injustice. It harms us all. Learn about clearcutting.
Clearcutting is one of many threats forests face
The StopClearcutting CA team also fights to preserve our remaining old-growth and mature trees and to stop the global expansion of the wood pellet and biomass incineration industries. Rather than relying on aggressive forest thinning to reduce wildfire risk, we advocate for less harmful and more proven strategies, like home and community hardening. Visit our Resources page to discover the science, news, and more about current issues.
Our tool is the power of our voices. We use them to write letters to the editor and blogs, post on social media, host educational forums, comment on timber harvest plans, and more. You, too, can make a difference: find educational resources and make your voice heard today!

Tell the California Transportation Commission to Drop Funding for the Richardson Grove Project

ACTION ALERT: Tell CAL FIRE the Revised Jackson Demonstration State Forest Management Plan Needs Environmental Review