Fossil-Free Finance

Fossil-Free Finance

Fossil-Free Finance

We're pushing major Wall Street companies to stop financing fossil fuel expansion and help accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy for all.

Everyone knows about the fossil fuel industry’s role in the climate crisis. But there’s another, lesser-known culprit: Wall Street. Join the growing movement telling Wall Street to move money out of dirty energy projects and scale up financing for clean energy instead. Sign the petition to tell America’s largest banks to stop funding fossil fuels!

US Banks

Big US banks JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America are some of the biggest fossil fuel financiers in the world. If we want to avoid climate chaos, we must call on banks to stop funding coal, oil, and gas and invest in clean energy.

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Major investors — including asset managers like BlackRock and Vanguard and pensions like CalPERS — help people manage their retirement funds and other investments. But these financial institutions are also funneling money into the companies wrecking our planet.

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Financial Regulation

Powerful federal regulators like the Federal Reserve, the Department of the Treasury, and the Securities and Exchange Commission all have a role to play in ensuring the US economy and our banking system are protected from climate-related financial shocks.

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April 21, 2021

Today, on the eve of President Biden's Leaders Summit on Climate, saw the announcement of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), an industry-led initiative including a set of guidelines for banks to use in implementing net zero commitments and…

April 19, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Department of the Treasury announced the appointment of John Morton as the Department’s first Climate Counselor to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Morton is tasked with leading the newly established Climate Hub that…

April 15, 2021

New York, NY — Today, JPMorgan Chase announced a goal to finance and facilitate $2.5 trillion into climate solutions and sustainable development over the next ten years, but the bank failed to make any new commitments to reduce its financing of…

April 12, 2021

Voters want the federal government to play an active role in reducing Wall Street’s impact on the climate and preventing climate-fueled economic crises   WASHINGTON, DC — Today, a new set of polling released by Data for Progress …

April 7, 2021

New York, NY -- Today, JPMorgan Chase (JPMC) CEO Jamie Dimon released his influential annual letter to shareholders.