Penalize Rooftop Solar

Calling all solar advocates!

Senator Jennifer Bradley (R) of Senate District 5 (rural North Central FL, Clay County being the seat) introduced legislation (SB1024) which would devastate rooftop solar in Florida if passed. This bill would upend the policy which allows for customers to get rewarded for the full benefit of the energy they provide to the system. 

It would: 

  • Change reimbursement (net metering) to wholesale
  • Grandfather current customers for only 10 years
  • Change the intent of the statute with utility cost-shift language 
  • Authorize penalizing those with solar with discriminatory fees (no proof or study required) 

By removing language calling for the legislature to promote the spread of clean and renewable energy, this bill will codify anti-solar utility talking-points into statute. It reduces the amount that utilities must pay to customers who generate renewable energy while also allowing the utilities to impose new charges, fees, and minimum bills on solar customers. To top it off it provides a window of only 10 years for existing customers who bought in under a very different rate structure to recoup their investment. 

The passage of this bill would mean a colossal blow to clean energy in the state of Florida, the end of a thriving solar industry that employs tens of thousands of people throughout the state and a big victory for greedy corporate utilities. 

We must make sure this legislation does not move forward.

Solar United Neighbors have an action alert here, a click-to-tweet action here, and a town hall to teach everyone talking points here.

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