Sierra Club, Partners Celebrate 200 Million Oil-Free Miles
September 25, 2012
National Plug In Day is a public education event on the many benefits that come with widespread availability of new electric vehicles and public charging stations.
Who's Got the Power?
September 8, 2012
Florida Ag Commissioner Adam Putnam sees the future, and it's gas ... lots of gas.
Sierrans Engage Statewide as Florida DOT Finally Addresses Crisis
August 9, 2012
Walking or riding a bike down Florida's streets is more dangerous than anywhere else in the U.S.
Don't Pump Sugar's Polluted Water Into Lake Okeechobee
August 8, 2012
Under the plan to boost water levels, untreated EAA run-off, laden with nitrogen, phosphorus, pesticides, and herbicides, would be pumped backwards into Lake Okeechobee.
Hundreds Move Beyond Oil to Join Hands on America's Best Beach
August 7, 2012
350 joined Hands Across the Sand at America's #1 beach destination, St. Pete Beach.
Conservation, Wildlife, and Health Groups Seek Chemical Oil Dispersant Rulemaking
August 6, 2012
A coalition of conservation, wildlife and public health groups filed a citizen suit under the provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act to compel the EPA to issue a rule on chemical oil dispersants.
Florida's Transportation Battle: Smart Road Improvements
August 2, 2012
Wider roads offer little choice and make travel even more dangerous for those eager to reduce air pollution, dependence on oil, and get where they need go without a car.
Nation's First Affordable 'Net Zero Energy' Homes to Be Built In Florida
August 1, 2012
City of Dunedin and Pinellas County officials stood side by side with business leaders and environmentalists as they broke ground for construction of the nation's first affordable, "net zero energy" homes.
Areawide Study for Florida Phosphate Mining is Badly Flawed
July 30, 2012
Sierra Club, ManaSota-88, People for Protecting Peace River, and Protect Our Watersheds filed extensive joint comments on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers DAEIS for phosphate mining.
Settlement with EPA to Clean Florida's Dirty Air
July 28, 2012
A coalition of clean air advocates announced a settlement setting deadlines for the EPA to limit haze-causing air pollution from aging power plants and factories in Florida.