Outings and Events

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Sierra Club offers a variety of outdoor experiences to both members and non-members of Sierra Club. Trips include paddling, hiking, biking, bird watching, and many other activities. All trips have experienced, trained, certified leaders.

Each of Sierra Club Florida's groups, from the Everglades to the Panhandle, conducts its own outings program. To find outings, scroll down to see currently listed group events, check your local group's website or look for your group on Meetup and Facebook. Be sure you have opted in for Sierra Club emails so you can receive updated information from your local group!

Please read the Participant Agreement Waiver, which must be signed prior to an outing.

If anyone is interested in becoming an outings leader for Sierra Club, contact Rudy Scheffer, chapter outings chair, at rudy.scheffer@sierraclub.org. You must be a Sierra Club member in good standing.

Traveling outside of Florida? Learn about other Sierra Club outings and events across the country.

Florida Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST37115

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