Executive Committee

The Sierra Club is the largest nationwide volunteer-driven environmental organization in the United States. To accomplish its mission with a consistent voice, our Club has been carefully organized into bylaws-governed chapters.

Our Northeast Florida Chapter is one of 16 Chapters in Florida, each of which is administered by an elected Executive Committee (EXCOM) composed of environmentally conscious Club members willing to provide leadership as we pursue the Club’s goals at the local level.

Our elected Executive Committee members develop and facilitate execution of an overall strategy to grow and engage our membership and strengthen the chapter, and provide support to our chapter’s local entities to carry out the Club's mission of exploring, enjoying, and protecting the planet.

We alternately elect several individuals to serve on its Executive Committee for 2-year terms starting in January of each year.

Officers and Executive Committee

Sierra Club Northeast Florida Officers:

Executive Committee Members:

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

NOTE: The minutes posted online will be offset by a month as the minutes for the previous month's meeting are presented for approval at the following month's meeting. Once the minutes are approved by the ExCom, they will then be posted here.
For example, April's minutes were approved at the May meeting and then posted.

SCNEF EC Meeting Minutes - Sep 2023.pdf142.61 KB


SCNEF EC Meeting Minutes - 2023-07-24.pdf75.46 KB


SCNEF EC Meeting Minutes - June2023.pdf116.29 KB