Sierra Club Florida Releases 2024 Legislative Scorecard

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Sierra Club Florida released its 2024 Florida Legislative Scorecard. The annual scorecard is designed to provide a snapshot of Sierra Club Florida’s priority bills this past session, and the legislators who either championed or worked against Florida’s environment, democracy, and freedom. This year, the Sierra Club has given the Florida State Legislature a D+.

The Legislature’s attacks and backroom deals were on full display during Florida’s 2024 legislative session. From limiting the freedoms and financial stability of taxpayers, to promoting dirty fuels, to prohibiting local governments from protecting their own communities, the consequences of this session will be felt for years to come. Some of the most dangerous legislation of 2024 includes: 

  • HB 1645, “Energy Resources,” which would prevent local governments from making decisions about where methane gas facilities are allowed in their communities, cut the few programs the state has to address climate change, and increase costs to taxpayers and energy customers by encouraging local utilities and governments to prioritize dirty fuels over clean, renewable energy.
  • HB 87, “Taking of Bears”, a bill that would make it easier for people to kill Florida’s black bears built upon the bold-faced lie that Florida faces an epidemic of ‘crack bears’ who are ingesting illicit drugs and destroying people’s homes.
  • HB 433, “Employment Regulations,” which would prevent local governments from protecting their economies and workers from the impacts of extreme heat.

This year, the supermajority in the legislature actively worked against the wellbeing of Florida’s residents and environment, and the scorecard condemns the chief architects of some of these attacks:  

  • Speaker of the House Paul Renner. Our state is in desperate need of new leadership and new ideas, but this year, the Florida State House was the source of a number of dangerous proposals threatening our state. The House’s extreme policies, backed by Governor Ron DeSantis, have left Florida even more vulnerable than ever.
  • Rep. Bobby Payne. For his attacks on the finances and freedom of Floridians with HB 1645, the extreme bill that would slash the few programs that Florida has to address climate change and would force dirty, toxic gasses into homes and communities, Rep. Payne is a classic example of the corrupt leadership that Florida has come to detest from Tallahassee.

There’s no doubt this was a difficult session for our state, but Sierra Club Florida and its allies worked tirelessly to hold DeSantis and his cronies accountable, and fight for a better, more sustainable future. The scorecard also recognizes the exceptional legislators who pushed back and delivered for Florida in the face of tough opposition:

  • Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book, who has been an effective leader through difficult circumstances. This year, her caucus delivered one of its best environmental performances to date with 100% of Democratic Senators getting an A+.
  • Sen. Jason Pizzo, for approaching his work with a common sense that is rare in Tallahassee these days. On our priority bills this year, he voted with us 100% of the time. We look forward to Senator Pizzo’s leadership over his caucus.
  • Rep. Anna Eskamani, who introduced bills to transition the state to 100% clean and renewable energy and promote solutions that would ensure a more free, fair, and clean Florida.
  • Rep. Lindsay Cross, who has been a strong environmental advocate for years. In 2024, she helped lead the charge to protect local freedom from government overreach on fertilizer ordinances and more.

Craig Diamond, Sierra Club Florida Legislative Chair said, “Unfortunately, the dangerous ideas proposed and enacted this past session are all part of an accelerating trend by the state legislature to hurt working Floridians and stifle communities’ ability to solve issues. Instead of addressing climate change, tackling property insurance, or protecting public health and property values by reducing pollution, legislators have simply opted to leave Florida behind. This state truly cannot afford such dereliction of responsibility.”

Luigi Guadarrama, Sierra Club Florida Political Director said, “Governor DeSantis himself said that Florida’s economic success is tied to our environment. DeSantis and legislators should be thinking about how they can do more to protect our environment and economy, not less. That simply didn’t happen this year.”

For the full scorecard, click here.


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