Sierra Club Florida Endorses Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book

“Senator Book has been an exceptional leader. If Florida wants to stand a chance at resolving the environmental issues in front of us, we need to elect more leaders like her,” said Luigi Guadarrama, Political Director of Sierra Club Florida. “It’s well known that Senator Book has been a champion for Florida's families and children—protecting Florida’s environment is an important part of that.”

The Sierra Club credits Book for her performance on environmental issues this past session and points to her votes to protect rooftop solar, prevent dangerous preemptions that would bind the hands of municipalities, and curtail unnecessary tree trimming. The Club also considered the Senator’s performance on democracy issues such as SB90 in 2021 and redistricting this year. The Sierra Club opposed SB90 and has been openly critical of the unconstitutional and illegal  nature of the  congressional redistricting process and the final maps.

On the endorsement Senator Lauren Book said, “I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Sierra Club. Florida is more vulnerable to climate change and sea-level rise than any other state in the country and necessitates leaders who will put our environment first. We must elect candidates who will make decisions to preserve the Sunshine State’s coastlines, Everglades, aquifers, and oceans for generations to come.”

The Sierra Club hasn’t been quiet about the Florida State Legislature’s failure to take the environment seriously, and  the impacts that those failures will have on Florida’s economy and quality of life.  As a result the Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club is taking the task of electing a State Senate that is more responsive to environmental issues seriously. As the oldest, largest environmental advocacy organization in the nation, the Sierra Club aims to mobilize their more than 240,000 members and supporters in Florida in both primaries around the state and the upcoming general election. On top of this, the Sierra Club will be activating their grassroots network of volunteers and community leaders to support environmental candidates up and down the ballot.

The Sierra Club looks forward to re-electing Lauren Book, and working with her as the leader of her caucus to create meaningful change for Florida’s communities and environment. 



Luigi Guadarrama, Political Director, Sierra Club Florida, (720) 404-5714


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