Sarasota Takes Next Step Toward 100% Renewable Energy Target

Sarasota, FL: The City of Sarasota is moving forward to meet its goal of 100% renewable energy generation by 2045. In collaboration with the Sierra Club, the Race to Zero campaign and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Sarasota is embarking on a deep energy analysis to identify how to create a more affordable and equitable clean energy future by incorporating renewable energy technologies, reducing energy consumption and eliminating fossil fuel dependence.

"The City of Sarasota has been on the forefront of the sustainability movement in Florida and is proud of its ambitious renewable energy goals," said Jeff Vredenburg, sustainability coordinator for the City of Sarasota. "Planning for targets that are decades in the future can be daunting; this partnership will help the City set an early course to achieve our goals."

To inform its decision making, Sarasota is tapping into publicly available data from two online tools developed by DOE and NREL – the State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) Platform and the Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool. NREL will use these data-driven tools to create customized analyses that can inform decisions and help the city reach its clean energy goals.

“We are excited about what we can accomplish in collaboration with local partners and communities,” said Katie Richardson, SLOPE program manager at NREL. “Sarasota is a prime example of how a mid-size community can leverage existing data to make energy-related decisions and address the climate crisis in a way that benefits everyone in the community.”

More than 180 cities, 10 counties, and eight states across the country have goals to power their communities with 100% clean, renewable energy. National Sierra Club has designated the state of Florida as a high priority in the campaign to move to 100% clean renewable power.

“We are thrilled to support the City of Sarasota in taking the next steps to achieve 100% clean and renewable energy for all,” said Brooke Alexander, organizing manager of the Clean Energy Sierra Club in Florida. “Communities powered by 100% clean and renewable energy are healthier and more sustainable, creating a better place for all to live. With time, analysis, and careful planning, transitioning to 100% renewable energy can lead to growth in the local economy, more high-wage jobs and lower costs for those most burdened by electricity prices.”

“As Sarasota leads the way for sustainability in Florida, communities across the state and country will be able to learn from the City’s experience and success,” said Jennifer Barenholtz, NREL subcontractor and Florida liaison. “We hope many more cities and counties are inspired to set their own goals for 100% clean, renewable energy.” 

For more information, contact Sustainability Coordinator Jeff Vredenburg at 941-263-6296.

This press release was provided by the City of Sarasota.

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