Sierra Club Calls for Fair and Transparent Redistricting Process

Sierra Club Calls for Fair and Transparent Redistricting Process 

New congressional maps will impact Florida’s residents and environment for years to come

Sierra Club Florida Political Director Luigi Guadarrama released the following statement in response to the draft state senate and congressional maps released by the Florida Senate Committee on Reapportionment:

"Sierra Club Florida recognizes the vital importance of a fair and transparent redistricting  process. The maps produced by the Legislature will impact the well-being of Florida's residents and communities and the health of the environment for the next decade. 

"Yesterday, we had an opportunity to see the first round of maps proposed by the Senate Reapportionment Committee. Earlier this week, Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book joined Senate President Wilton Simpson and President-Designate Kathleen Passidomo to circulate a bipartisan memo reminding legislators of the necessity to produce maps that are fair, unbiased and constitutional.

"This process is far from over, and many questions remain. We are encouraged by the bipartisan call for a constitutional outcome, which prohibits districts 'drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor a political party or an incumbent.' However, we share the concerns of our partners and others across Florida about the transparency of this process. We urge the Legislature to conduct a more transparent and public process from this point forward. 

"Sierra Club Florida will continue to hold the Legislature accountable to their commitments to a constitutional redistricting outcome and to their responsibilities to the public. We hope that legislators will hold fast to Florida's constitution and will draw maps that are fair and representative of the state's residents and diverse communities."

Luigi Guadarrama, Sierra Club Florida Political Director

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