Single-Use Plastic Bags Campaign Continues

Single-Use Plastic Bags Campaign Continues

By Janet Stanko

Despite the disruptions of the presidential election and the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been moving forward on our digital single-use plastics campaign — Stop Using Plastic Bags, Publix!

Our ultimate goal is to get Publix to stop using single-use plastic bags at their checkouts. This could save up to 500 million bags per year, a portion of which would not go into our communities, municipal solid waste recycling systems, waterways and marine environments. We chose Publix because they are the biggest supermarket chain in Florida and hopefully will set an example that similar retailers will follow.

Eliminating single-use grocery bags stops this trash at its source.

Our campaign got off to a great start in January 2020. Our committee and local Sierra groups throughout Florida were gearing up for an event-filled spring in order to get our petitions signed from in-person contact and educating people about problems related to single-use plastics. But due to the virus we are stalled in in-person events indefinitely. Hopefully things will ramp up in the fall.

We are seeking 50,000 signatures on our online petition to make a compelling statement. We are using social media, emails, local group newsletters, and recently virtual event webinars about single-use plastics and related topics to get our word out.

We are forming coalitions among our partners in plastics initiatives to coordinate our impact and leverage off our information platforms. These campaigns educate the public about topics such as Styrofoam, straws, and ocean friendly restaurants, carry-out containers and foodware. Together we present a multifaceted front to retailers and plastics interests that we want to move to a less plastic intensive lifestyle.

How can you help? It’s easy. Sign our petition and share it on social media. Attend our webinars and join our single- use plastics working group to help with the campaign in your area.

To volunteer, email

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