Sierra Club Florida and Working Around COVID-19

Sierra Club Florida and Working Around COVID-19

Thank you for supporting Sierra Club Florida!  You may have received a message from Executive Director Michael Brune about Sierra Club's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19). In his words: “The COVID-19 pandemic is a social and economic justice issue, as well as a health crisis. Protecting our community is our number one priority, and we recognize that we have a social responsibility to be good actors in keeping others safe, too …  While voluntary social distancing may be necessary to protect our health, it is increasingly important that we come together to work through this crisis.”

During this trying time, we know there will be many different ways our members and supporters cope. For some, this is a time to rest and take care, and we fully understand that many may want to remove themselves from the work of the Sierra Club for the duration. For others, this may be a time to engage in community and advocacy online or over the phone just as always, or to an even greater extent (to fill the time alone provided by social distancing). 
We have refrained from sending action alerts until now in order to give staff and volunteers a break while they adjust to the new reality, but now we will get back to the work of the Sierra Club as much as we can, depending on emails, social media, teleconferences, webinars and good old fashioned telephone calls to get the word out, get actions taken and to maintain the community we have here in Florida.
For those who may not have the time or space to engage in these online actions for a time, we ask that you remain patient with us as we continue to send out action alerts to continue our work to protect Florida's one-of-a-kind environment.
For those who want to engage over email/social media/phone during this time — stay tuned. You will soon see back in your inbox both ways to engage virtually (stay connected) during this difficult time and action alerts regarding critical environmental issues. The first will be directed at moving Gov. DeSantis to veto bad bills passed by the House and Senate.
As always, thank you for your time, support and patience.  We hope you and yours are safe and healthy. 
Wishing you well, 
SCFL Executive Committee
Alyssa Cadwalader
Craig Diamond
Grant Gelhardt
Stephen Mahoney
Daniel Marien
Steve Wonderly
SCFL Chapter Director 
Frank Jackalone
SCFL Staff 
Deb Foote
Brooke Alexander
Phil Compton
Cris Costello
Linda Demler
Patrick Ferguson
Raquel Fernandez
Emily Gorman
Ricky Junquera
Michael McGrath
Susannah Randolph
Anthony Schreiber
Diana Umpierre
Gonzalo Valdes
Herman Younger

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