Sierra Club Florida Participates in Rise Above Plastics Day at State Capitol

Sierra Club Florida Participates in Rise Above Plastics Day at State Capitol

Over 70 environmental organizations, businesses, students, outdoor recreation organizations and advocates from across Florida gathered in Tallahassee to call for an end to plastic pollution. Rise Above Plastics Day is dedicated to raising awareness of plastic pollution, ending state interference in local efforts to reduce single-use plastics, and promoting the importance of healthy beaches and coasts.

The Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club Florida, Florida Plastics-Free Initiative, Oceana, Plastic Pollution Coalition, Environment Florida, Florida Keys Environmental Coalition, Greenpeace, Student PIRG and other ocean and recreation organizations hosted a day of exhibits and tabling in the State Capitol Rotunda. The group gathered on the front steps of the Historic Capitol for a press conference with the infamous Greenpeace Trash Monster  — a massive 15-foot monster made of plastic trash.

Over 50 legislators were met by these volunteers who advocated for bills that call for an end to plastic pollution, such as SB 182/ HB 6043, which would repeal the preemption of local laws regarding the use or sale of polystyrene. The group advocated for action this year, asking the legislature to put prudent regulations in place or simply allow local control of the issue for the welfare of Florida's ecology and economy. Similar bills call for a review and update to the Department of Environment's Retail Bags Report and adoption of those suggested regulations of auxiliary containers, or disposable plastic bags used by consumers. If these regulations are not adopted the bill calls for the preemption to be lifted so local governments can act to protect marine resources on their own.

Tourism and the commercial and recreational fishing industry are such an important part of Florida's economy, Rise Above Plastics Day calls for a state with approximately 1,350 miles of coastline to lead the nation in action on reducing and eventually eliminating single use plastics. Instead Florida lags behind the nation in reducing waste.

Deborah Foote, Sierra Club Florida's government affairs and political director, kicked off the press conference, stating that "the effort to reduce single use plastics requires a multi-pronged approach. Local governments must be free of state interference to do what is best for their community. The state also must be a leader, especially given that we cannot recycle our way out of this problem. And finally, corporations and businesses need to be good citizens and take steps to reduce their use of single use plastics. The health of our environment and our citizenry depends on it."

The press conference keynote speakers were Representatives Michael Grieco and Anna V. Eskamani, the co-sponsors of HB 6043.

Holly Parker Curry, Surfrider Foundation Florida policy manager, concluded the press conference, sharing that "plastic pollution damages our environment, our economy, and our quality of life. For a decade the Florida Legislature has stopped local governments from regulating single-use plastic bags, without ever seriously considering state-wide regulation. Florida has more coastline than any other state in the contiguous U.S. When it comes to clean water and healthy beaches, we must let our local communities lead."

Rise Above Plastics Day participants 

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