Recruiting Members for New Florida State Agency Advisory Committee

Recruiting Members for New Florida State Agency Advisory Committee

One of the responsibilities of our new Government Affairs and Political Director Deborah Foote is to serve as our executive branch lobbyist. This includes building relationships with key personnel in the state agencies that oversee rules and regulations and have programs that impact the environment. 
To gain knowledge of these inner workings, a new Florida State Agency Advisory Committee is being established to provide insight into the operations of state agencies whose work impacts Sierra Club Florida's priorities, including:
  • How best to lobby specific agencies/departments/divisions/offices
  • Identification and introduction to key personnel
  • Historical context
  • Agency decision-making processes
If you are a former employee/contractor of a key state agency or have had recent experience in working with these state agencies or any of their leadership, please consider joining this committee. This is a great way to serve Sierra Club Florida for a minimal time commitment!

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