On the Environment: Gillum vs. DeSantis

On the Environment: Gillum vs. DeSantis

Gillum for governor

Why vote AGAINST DeSantis?
DeSantis on the environment:
●        He advocates for more research, not tough regulation and direct action to address red tide
●        He’s afraid to be a "climate change believer" and an "alarmist"
●        He thinks the state can’t help coastal cities and counties protect property from climate change and  sea level rise 
●        He supports Trump's "anti-science" and "anti-environment" agenda 
●        HIS RECORD proves he has zero interest in protecting natural resources:
In Congress, DeSantis voted ...
o    AGAINST 29 out of 30 climate change mitigation bills 
o    AGAINST 10 out of 11 pro-clean energy bills while in Congress 
o    AGAINST 37 out of 39 lands and forest bills 
o    AGAINST 11 out of 11 public’s right to know about toxins bills 
o    AGAINST 17 out of 18 wildlife conservation bills 
o    AGAINST 12 out of 12 ocean conservation bills 
o    FOR dirty energy on 39 out of 40 bills
o    FOR 14 out of 15 pro-drilling bills 
There is zero reason to trust DeSantis’ promises regarding what he would do if elected governor.  Promises do not an environmentalist make!
Why vote FOR Andrew Gillum?
Gillum on the environment:
●        He knows climate change is a real and urgent threat
●        He knows science works and supports science-based solutions
●        He knows we can’t have clean air or water without regulation   
●        He knows preventing pollution is the solution to the toxic algae crisis
●        HIS RECORD as Mayor of Tallahassee proves he is an environmentalist:
o    He acted to reduce his city’s carbon emissions by 40% 
o    He spearheaded the creation of a 120-acre solar farm that will triple Tallahassee’s solar energy capacity
o    He promoted programs to help city residents lower power bills by making their homes more energy efficient 
o    Under his leadership, Tallahassee was named a Green City for protecting its natural resources, and the city's parks and recreation department was selected "Best in America"
You don't have to count on promises with Gillum and you don't have to ignore his past record.  
Vote for Andrew Gillum for Governor!
Paid political advertisement paid for by Sierra Club Florida PAC, 1990 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL 33712 independently of any candidate. No candidate has approved this advertisement.

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