Sierra Club Florida: Nelson Thanked, Rubio Spanked on Pruitt EPA Vote

Sierra Club Florida: Nelson Thanked, Rubio Spanked on Pruitt EPA Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the U.S. Senate voted to approve Donald Trump's nomination of Scott Pruitt as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

In response, Sierra Club Florida Director Frank Jackalone, released the following statement:

"The appointment of Scott Pruitt is a complete environmental and public health disaster. Based on his record of putting polluter profits before people, Pruitt will undoubtedly be the most dangerous EPA Administrator in history.

"When it came to protecting his own constituents from the growing threats of earthquakes caused by fracking and coal ash pollution, Pruitt turned his back on Oklahoma families by doing nothing. He is a relentless opponent of the most necessary health protections, such as those that safeguard our families from harmful smog or air pollution in national parks, and even went so far as to question whether mercury pollution, a known toxin, is dangerous to public health.

"We applaud Senator Nelson for putting Florida's interests, like clean air and clean water, first. He has shown extraordinary leadership and judgement in voting against Pruitt's nomination.

"We are deeply disappointed, however, in Senator Rubio for failing to protect Florida families from coal, gas, and oil corporations and their new puppet at EPA, Scott Pruitt."

Sierra Club and its 2.7 million members and supporters will continue to mobilize and resist attacks on clean air and clean water every step of the way."

Contact: Jonathan Ullman,

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