Lakelanders Deliver Petitions for Clean Energy, Not Coal

Lakelanders Deliver Petitions for Clean Energy, Not Coal

On December 7, just over a dozen Lakelanders delivered petitions demanding clean energy and the closure of one of the last coal plants in the state.

Activists delivered more than 720 petitions to the City Commission, which acts as the board of directors for the City's utility, Lakeland Electric. McIntosh 3, the only coal burning plant in Lakeland, puts around two million tons of carbon pollution into the air every year in addition to all the other toxic chemicals the community intakes on a daily basis.

Sierra Club was joined by the NAACP, Leaders from St. David's Episcopal Church, The Enactus at Florida Southern College, and other allies in the community. The coalition held signs saying "You don't want coal in your stockings, so why would you want it in your lungs." Also little stockings of "not coal" were given to the City Commissioners, asking them to find an alternative.

The press was out in force to cover the story, with camera crews from Bay News 9, ABC Action NewsNBC- WFLA (Tampa), CBS Tampa, and Univision. The Lakeland Ledger also ran a piece the following day. It's clear that this is a critical issue to Lakeland, and the people demand leadership.

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