Sierra Club Florida Statement on Release of the Clean Power Plan

Sierra Club Florida Statement on Release of the Clean Power Plan

TAMPA, FL — Today, the EPA and the Obama Administration released the final version of the landmark Clean Power Plan.

In response, Sierra Club Florida Staff Director Frank Jackalone released the following statement:

"Floridians stand to benefit immensely from the Clean Power Plan. Florida's air will be healthier with less dirty emissions, and our economy stronger thanks to the addition of tens of thousands of jobs installing solar panels and energy savings retrofits to our homes and businesses.

"The Clean Power Plan gives us a fighting chance to save Florida's coastal areas from devastation by climate change. If we act now and implement President Obama's plan, we can prevent the worse case scenario of sea level rise forecasted by scientists. If we do nothing, most of Florida's coastal cities will be covered in water and become uninhabitable by the end of this century."


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