Florida Power & Light Announces Phase-Out of Cedar Bay Coal Plant

Florida Power & Light Announces Phase-Out of Cedar Bay Coal Plant

Kelly Martin, campaign representative for the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign, issued the following statement in response to news that Florida Power & Light (FPL) will acquire and phase out the Cedar Bay coal plant:

"This announcement is a win for clean air, clean water, and public health. By phasing out coal burning at Cedar Bay, starting with a 90% immediate reduction in the plant's operations, FPL will be reducing a major source of toxic emissions and threat to air and water quality in Duval County, Florida. We urge FPL to commit to completely stop burning coal at Cedar Bay, and to invest instead in solar, wind, and energy efficiency to create even more clean energy jobs in the Sunshine State."

"Cedar Bay has been a significant source of carbon emissions for Florida since it first began operations. This phase-out shows that Florida can follow the national trend of moving beyond coal and develop a strong Clean Power Plan to reduce climate disrupting carbon emissions, and demonstrates that utilities can meet new standards for clean air, climate change, and public health while benefiting Florida consumers."

Contact: Kelly Martin, Kelly.Martin@sierraclub.org

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