Making History at the March Against Lake Okeechobee Discharges

Making History at the March Against Lake Okeechobee Discharges

Two thousand activists from coastal areas devastated by Lake Okeechobee discharges last year gathered at the 2nd Annual Save Our River Clean Water Rally in Stuart on Sunday to voice their concerns and propose solutions.

Rally attendees sent a strong message to Tallahassee: We are every summer just one tropical storm away from a repeat of 2013, and we refuse to accept excuses for inaction. Last year, massive discharges into the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie rivers devastated coastal estuaries, spurring thousands of residents to protest. This summer's rally, before any harmful Lake O discharges have seriously impacted the estuaries, shows the extent and depth of this new expanded grassroots movement.

The crowd included speakers and supporters from a long list of organizations: Citizens 4 Clean Water, Indian Riverkeeper, Rivers Coalition, Florida Oceanographic Society, Earthjustice, Arthur R, Marshall Foundation, Save the Manatee Club, Martin Memorial Hospital, Sierra Club, Audubon Florida, Love the Everglades, River Kidz and more.





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