Buy U.S. Sugar Land Now!

Buy U.S. Sugar Land Now!

To combat Everglades drought and coastal toxic algae blooms, the State of Florida needs to acquire the remaining 150,000 acres of U.S. Sugar land it optioned three-and-a-half years ago.


A St. Lucie River toxic algae bloom in Stuart on Aug. 1, 2013. Image credit: Dick Miller.

Last summer, thousands of Treasure Coast residents took to the streets as black and green ooze swept through the Indian River Lagoon. The toxins killed fish, dolphins and manatees and devastated the local economy.

Each winter, the Everglades, source of water for seven million people, is increasingly subject to drought.


Everglades Drought (

Completing the U.S. Sugar purchase would help solve both problems.

The land could be used or swapped to create shallow basins to store water and remove harmful nutrients, before heading south to the Everglades.

When the U.S. Sugar purchase was announced in 2008 by Governor Charlie Crist, environmentalists cheered the conversion of 187,000 acres to public land. But a neighboring sugar company, Florida Crystals, fought the purchase. Eventually, the state bought 27,000 acres, but the rest stayed on the table.

Despite a surplus budget, Governor Scott is unwilling to buy the remaining U.S. Sugar lands available under contract.

What can you do? Contact with "Buy Sugarland Now!" in the subject line. We will tell you more about our campaign, and how you can make a difference.

—Jonathan Ullman, South Florida/Everglades Senior Organizing Representative

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