Sierra Club Applauds Gov. Scott's Financial Commitment to Tamiami Trail Bridging

Sierra Club Applauds Gov. Scott's Financial Commitment to Tamiami Trail Bridging

Statement of Jonathan Ullman, Sierra Club Everglades Senior Representative:

"Governor Scott's commitment of $90 million for Tamiami Trail bridging is a major step toward the restoration of America's Everglades. His announcement of $30 million per year over three years is a major step toward the goal of building a series of bridges to restore water flow into Everglades National Park. It means we will soon have the funds needed to start construction of the next span — a 2.6 mile bridge. It will fulfill the requirement for matching funds requested by Congress under the Obama Administration's $30 million request for 2014. Ultimately, the 6.5 miles of bridges will provide water to restore clean, natural water flow to the Everglades helping to restore wetlands and provide a buffer against climate change and sea level rise. Sierra Club joined by environmental and community allies have been calling for bridging of Tamiami Trail almost two decades, and today is a day to celebrate. Governor Scott's announcement is the kind of state-federal partnership and cooperation that Floridians and Americans deserve."

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