Sierra Club Response to Marco Rubio's Climate Denial

Sierra Club Response to Marco Rubio's Climate Denial 

Washington, D.C. — On Tuesday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) rejected what he termed the "significant scientific consensus" of man-made climate disruption and  turned his back on the idea of acting to address the climate crisis.
Sierra Club Florida Staff Director Frank Jackalone issued the following statement in response: 
"In the last few years, extreme weather has seriously damaged Florida's infrastructure and sea level rise is projected to make it far worse. Local governments are developing regional plans to deal with rising seas. Mangled sidewalks in Ft. Lauderdale and flooded streets in Miami Beach are the visible proof that climate change is here. But, Marco Rubio says he won't do anything about our climate crisis.
"We cannot afford to sit idly while the threat of climate change becomes a dangerous reality. By denying the climate crisis and rejecting climate action, Marco Rubio's got his head buried in the sand — and that's a bad place to be when the seas are rising."

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