Florida Water Coalition Launches TV Ad During 'Summer Slime' Season

Florida Water Coalition Launches TV Ad During 'Summer Slime' Season

Floridians Ask Leaders to Address Ongoing Public Health Threat

TALLAHASSEE, FL — The Florida Water Coalition launched a 30-second TV ad today that will play in markets across Florida during the "summer slime" season.

The ad explains that massive toxic algae blooms in Florida are fueled by industrial pollution, sewage, manure, and fertilizer. These polluters are protected by Florida's politicians who refuse to crack down on those who use our waterways as their personal sewer systems.

While polluters profit from externalizing the costs of their waste, toxic algae harms Florida's economy, property values, and tourism. The ad encourages Floridians to write to President Obama and demand that the Environmental Protection Agency step in and fully enforce the Clean Water Act in Florida.

"Floridians are tired of watching waterways get covered with slimy green toxic algae from sewage, manure and fertilizer pollution," said Manley Fuller, president of the Florida Wildlife Federation. "It's bad for people and it's bad for wildlife. Just last week, Lee County's health department issued a warning for people not to have contact with natural waters in the county, and to keep their pets and livestock away, too. It is time to address this health threat, it's been dragging on too long and we need our leaders to step up and protect the public."

The Florida Water Coalition is made up of Earthjustice, the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, the Florida Wildlife Federation, and St. John's Riverkeeper.

View the ad online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK4zE-3zjxc.

Monica Reimer, Earthjustice attorney, (850) 681-0031
Manley Fuller, Florida Wildlife Federation, (850) 567-7129

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