Florida Consumers will Save $4.2 Billion in 2030 Under New Fuel Standards

Florida Consumers will Save $4.2 Billion in 2030 Under New Fuel Standards

MIAMI, FL — New fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks will save the average Florida family $371 at the gas pump in 2030, according to a new analysis released today by the Sierra Club. The analysis, from the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Natural Resources Defense Council, also finds that the Obama administration's proposed fuel efficiency and carbon pollution standards for cars and light trucks will save Floridians $4.2 billion overall, cut the state's oil use by 2.1 billion gallons and reduce carbon pollution by 24 million metric tons in 2030 — equivalent to avoiding the carbon pollution of six coal-fired power plants in that year.

"Cars and trucks that use less gas are a win-win for Florida's economy and our environment," said Jonathan Ullman, Sierra Club South Florida/Everglades Organizing Representative. "The Obama administration's new fuel efficiency standards ensure 15 years of continuous progress to help save Floridians money at the gas pump, create jobs, curb life-threatening pollution, and help move our country beyond oil."

In July, President Obama announced his outline for the new model year 2017-2025 standards, which will ensure that new cars and light trucks average 54.5 mpg and reduce tailpipe carbon emissions to 163 grams per mile by 2025. Due to outdated testing methods, the 54.5 mpg standard will mean consumers in 2025 can expect new vehicles to average approximately 40 mpg on road.

Nationwide, the UCS/NRDC analysis projected that these standards will save Americans $44 billion by 2030, cut oil use by 23 billion gallons, and cut carbon pollution by 280 million metric tons — making this the biggest single step this country has ever taken to move beyond oil and tackle climate disruption. The outline was applauded by the majority of automakers and the United Auto Workers, as well as numerous environmental and consumer groups.

The Sierra Club also called on the Obama administration to avoid including loopholes and industry giveaways in the final standard that would undermine consumer savings and pollution reductions. The Administration is expected to officially propose the standards in mid-November and finalize them by next summer.

—Jon Ullman, Sierra Club South Florida/Everglades Organizing Representative

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