Announcing the Launch of the Go 60 MPG Campaign in Florida

Announcing the Launch of the Go 60 MPG Campaign in Florida

Report shows clean cars would save Floridians $4 billion at the pump this summer

Sierra Club Senior Field Organizer Jonathan Ullman, Miami, and Sierra Club Conservation Organizer Marti Daltry, Ft. Myers, are proud to announce the launch of their latest campaign, Go 60 MPG. The primary goal of this campaign is to convince the Obama administration to cut America's oil dependence and reduce carbon pollution by raising fuel efficiency for cars and light trucks to at least 60 miles per gallon by 2025.

Our dependence on oil puts our environment, economy and national security at risk. We can take an important step towards breaking that dependence by putting technology and innovation to work to make all new vehicles, from sedans to pickups to SUVs, more fuel efficient and less polluting. The Obama administration needs to raise fuel efficiency standards to an average of 60 miles per gallon by 2025. That way, all Americans can drive vehicles that save money at the gas pump, curb carbon pollution, and cut our country's oil dependence.

The Sierra Club Foundation and Environment America Research and Policy Center are working in conjunction on this campaign in eight "clean cars" states and states that are politically important to President Obama.

Today, Environment America has released a timely report, "Summer Gas Prices: Beating the Heat with Clean Cars." The summer travel season is the most popular time of the year for driving but it is also the time when Americans feel the most economic pain at the gas pump. Due to Florida's large travel volume and high gas prices, the Sunshine State would see a savings of over $4 billion dollars at the gas pump if our cars met a 60 mpg standard. Per household, the average Florida family would save $469 over the summer months!

To break our dependence on oil, reduce our global warming pollution and save money at the pump, we need strong public support for aggressive fuel standards for new cars and trucks. We need volunteers state-wide to help build up support for strong fuel efficiency standards. Instead of complaining about rising gas prices, let's be proactive in reducing our dependence to oil and lowering gas prices.

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