Blocking Dirty Oil Infrastructure

In Setback for Enbridge, PUC Rules Line 3 Review is Inadequate

Whether it moves by pipeline, by rail, or by tanker, tar sands and other oil is polluting, highly combustible, and dangerous to communities and our climate. In order to avert the worst of the climate crisis and protect our communities from devastating explosions and oil spills, we must stop the industry from building any new oil infrastructure. After more than a decade of advocacy, legal challenges, and organizing in partnership with local communities along the pipeline route and across the country, we successfully blocked the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Now we are continuing to apply those same tools to winning fights against other pipelines, oil train terminals, and oil export facilities across the country.

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January 12, 2022

Washington, DC – Today, the American Petroleum Institute released its annual “State of American Energy” report. In the report, API calls for expanded oil and gas drilling and loosened regulations, claiming that these policy changes are necessary to ensure low prices and energy independence. 

January 3, 2022

A new lawsuit filed today challenges West Virginia’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approval of a key water-quality permit for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline. The lawsuit argues that WVDEP’s approval violates the Clean Water Act.

December 30, 2021

Today, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) issued a water quality certification for the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline, under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Planned to run over 300 miles through West Virginia and Virginia, the pipeline would cross hundreds of streams, wetlands and several major rivers that would lead to long-term degradation to water quality.

December 22, 2021

A new legal action filed today challenges Virginia’s State Water Control Board approval of a key water quality permit for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline. The petition for review of the project was filed with the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond.

December 21, 2021

Yesterday, Sierra Club, Texas Campaign for the Environment, CHISPA Texas, Healthy Gulf, Earthjustice, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid and Indigenous Peoples of the Coast Bend, and several hundred individuals submitted comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers urging them to reject Phillips 66 and Trafigura’s 404 permit application for their Bluewater Oil Export Terminal project proposed for construction in the Coastal Bend region of Texas’ Gulf Coast.

20 de diciembre de 2021

La administración Biden publicó hoy una actualización del progreso del plan “America the Beautiful”, también conocido como 30x30, un marco para conservar al menos el 30% de los terrenos, vías acuáticas y áreas oceanográficas para 2030 y asegurarse de que todas las personas tengan acceso a la naturaleza.

December 14, 2021

Today, the Virginia State Water Control Board approved a water permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) via a 3-2 vote, finalizing state approval for the MVP to build across hundreds of Virginia waterways.

December 3, 2021

Today, in a victory for environmental justice, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board voted 6-1 to deny the air quality permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station. Without this key permit, the Mountain Valley Pipeline and its Southgate extension are unlikely to ever be built.

15 de noviembre de 2021

Tras dos semanas de intensas negociaciones, la cumbre climática de las Naciones Unidas (COP26) finalizó en Glasgow durante el fin de semana. La reunión se celebró tras una serie de tormentas e inundaciones sin precedentes en Glasgow, un recordatorio de que la crisis climática afecta a todos los rincones del planeta.

November 11, 2021

St. Louis, MO - Today elected leaders from the St. Louis region joined environmental organizations in calling for an extension of Spire’s certificate to operate its pipeline throughout the winter season along with robust consumer protections.