A sampling of some of Arizona’s diverse wildlife: Great horned owl by Ricardo Small, Monarch butterfly by Louise Docker, Mexican gray wolf courtesy of USFWS, and AZ Treefrog.
Get Wild! Join Sierra Club "Wildlife Activist Group"
Interested in making a difference for wildlife? Participating in activities to help protect habitat or gather important research data on wildlife? Want to watchdog the Arizona Game and Fish Commission? Please consider joining our Wildlife Activist Group (WAG). WAG focuses on service projects, wildlife policies, and informational programs on wildlife. Learn about and share your passion and knowledge about Arizona's wildlife! We meet via Zoom on the second Monday of every other month at 6:30 P.M.
For more information contact Sandy Bahr at (602) 253-8633 or sandy.bahr@sierraclub.org.
Protect and Conserve Arizona’s Native Wildlife and Habitats
See our Blog for "Get to Know AZ Wildlife" . .
Arizona is an amazing and ecologically rich state, making it the ideal home for a wide diversity of species. Our state’s rich flora – almost 4000 species of native plants – is unequalled by few other regions of the United States and provides unique habitat for a wealth of animal species:
- 36 native fish species
- 25 native amphibians
- 107 species of native reptiles
- 534 species of birds (including 7 non-native species)
- 138 species of mammals
- Over 220 species of native snails and one native freshwater mussel
- Tens of thousands of insect and arachnid species
Unfortunately, many of the species that inhabit our state are on the path to extinction. With 62 federally-listed endangered and threatened species – 45 animals and 17 plants – Arizona ranks within the top 10 states for listed species.
A hotter, drier climate is likely to drive more of these species closer to the brink, which is why it is essential to limit impacts from development, roads, water diversions, overgrazing of livestock, agriculture, nonnative species, and much more.
Our Goals
- Maintain viable and sustainable populations of all native wildlife species
- Preserve and restore natural habitats
- Safeguard important habitat connectivity and corridors
- Ensure greater resiliency in light of climate disruption by reducing and eliminating stresses
Wildlife News!
See below for our latest blogs, press releases, and articles about wildlife