Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
Sierra Club's adoption of the "Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing"... [click thru for details]
Acknowledging Native Lands
Our Grand Canyon Chapter believes Acknowledging Native Lands is important, as a vital part of our chapter's commitment to centering equity, justice, and inclusion -- and upholding just relationships... [click thru for details]
Equity Trail Map
We envision a welcoming, just, equitable, and inclusive Grand Canyon Chapter. We envision a chapter where people who have been historically and perpetually excluded and marginalized from the work of Sierra Club, feel welcome, supported, represented...
Sierra Club Values
Anti-Racism , Balance , Collaboration , Justice , Transformation -- 100-sec Video: Living Sierra Club Values -- 2030 Strategic Framework -- online form Chapter Equity Values -- Sierra Club Volunteer Standards of Conduct...
4-Tiers of Restorative Justice for AZ Chapter
May 13, 2024
Our principles/practices -- to build relationships, repair harm, support accountability, and create inclusive communities -- to work directly with those involved or impacted by conflict or harm -- to collectively determine solutions